I'm of Arab background.

I'm very proud to be Arab.

It's problematic being an Arab who writes in Hebrew.

I'm called a terrorist in the Arab media still today.

No one is speaking about the Arab citizens of Israel.

I do not put red lines on the Arab Palestinian nation.

I am very happy to be playing in the United Arab Emirates.

The absence of Saddam is a huge weight off the Arab world.

As you know with the Arab Spring, there were no dividends.

One of the causes of the Arab Spring was high unemployment.

None of us is certain about the outcome of the Arab Spring.

Only Arab Israel, the land of Israel, is our true homeland.

You couldn't have done this without killing an Arab prince.

Too many have rushed in to explain the Arab world to itself.

Israel is shutting out the Arab world and shutting itself in.

The logical thing is to implement the Arab Defense Agreement.

The Islamization process in Arab countries is very disturbing.

There is a gulf between the Arab peoples and Arab intellectuals.

The Arab population does not want to turn inward and be isolated.

I'm very much an Arab, although I need to practise my Arabic more.

The patriarchy is alive and well in Egypt and the wider Arab world.

It's moving in the right direction for Arab actors but very slowly.

Every Arab nation votes against us at least two thirds of the time.

The Arab World is writing a new future; the pen is in our own hands.

The U.S. media have done a shameful job of reporting on the Arab world.

It would be hard to ignore the absence of democracy in any Arab nation.

Sudan is not Arab enough for Arabs and not African enough for Africans.

Preemptive war is what Israel did in '67 with Arab armies on its borders.

I shook hands with a friendly Arab. I still have my right arm to prove it.

A free and democratic Arab world aligns with America's security interests.

In Arab culture, music is for celebration. You don't play music at funerals.

Al Jazeera is known in the Arab world as the voice of freedom of expression.

The 'Arab Spring' is the most spectacular example of the dispersal of power.

To say that there is patriarchy in Arab culture is not denying women agency.

Jewish and Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem are interlaced one with the other.

The Arab Awakening or Arab Spring has transformed the geopolitical landscape.

I'm sure there are talented Arab fighters out there waiting to be discovered.

I am a Muslim Arab, in my actions oriented very to the left, in my convictions.

What I see in the Arab world, in Egypt, everywhere is increasing radicalization.

What Israel wants is peace with - and the acknowledgment of - all the Arab countries.

There's enough of a willingness in the West to do sympathetic movies about Arab roles.

The world does not look to us in the Arab world out of a healthy desire for knowledge.

The revolutions of the Arab Spring happened because people realized they were the power.

I'm an actor, full stop. Not an Arab actor. Not an actor of Algerian origin. Just an actor.

I grew up with so much of the identity of being Muslim and being Arab tied around politics.

The president of the Arab Republic of Egypt is the commander of the armed forces, full stop.

Most Arab Israelis speak Hebrew, but not the other way around. It's about time that changed.

The whole notion of land property rights in the Arab world is different from that in Europe.

Anti-black racism is not just an Egyptian problem. It exists in many parts of the Arab world.

Al Jazeera is one entity that everyone across the Arab world watches. Arabs are proud of that.

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