There is no good war.

In the end a lie is a lie.

Hizbullah is not a militia.

Even a president makes mistakes.

I cannot afford to make mistakes.

Armies are not only for offensives.

There can be no peace without unity.

We feel pain for every Syrian victim.

In any war, people will pay the price.

Politics is about realities, not logic.

My primary goal is to create prosperity.

None of us and none of the Arabs trust Israel.

Since its very inception, Israel has been a threat.

But the issue has to do with land, which is our land.

It should be known that Israel is based on treachery.

As far as we are concerned, we Syria have not changed.

[ Jihadists] are going to be against you sooner or later.

At the end, killing is killing. Massacring is massacring.

We, in Syria, our point of view stems from our experience.

Israel does not care about the international public opinion.

The army is made of the people ; it cannot be made of robots.

The logical thing is to implement the Arab Defense Agreement.

Worry does not mean fear, but readiness for the confrontation.

The U.S. and Britain are incapable of controlling all of Iraq.

Those who arrived on America's tanks are not credible in Iraq.

The problem is not the occupation, but how people deal with it.

America is interested in re-arranging the region as it sees fit.

I don't believe in war, I believe in the principle of deterrence.

It's our right to defend our country against any kind of invasion.

I am president, I don't own the country so they are not my forces.

Iran doesn't have any soldier in Syria, so how could Iran help me ?

The Russians are fighting for us, for the world, and for their self.

It is not my democracy as a person; it is our democracy as a society.

I never rejected any responsibility, but that depends on the decision.

If you don't win and the terrorists win, Syria wouldn't exist anymore.

You can forge anything these days, and we're living in a fake news era.

When Lebanon started its resistance it was a small and divided country.

Revolution should be Syrian, cannot be revolution imported from abroad.

You cannot reform your society or institution without opening your mind.

We cannot use jihadists because it's like shooting yourself in the foot.

From the first day I took the decision as President to defend my country.

Syria is geographically and politically in the middle of the Middle East.

We can say, you can win the war only when you restore stability in Syria.

I am Syrian, I was made in Syria, I have to live in Syria and die in Syria.

Opposition is different from terrorism. Opposition is a political movement.

Opposition doesn't mean to take arms and kill people and destroy everything.

Israel ranks her priorities in the following way: security, land, and water.

We believe that Lebanon has been the first real experience for all the Arabs.

Israeli interests are not necessarily in harmony with the American interests.

[American's government] thinking they are the judge of the world; they're not.

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