Men argue. Nature acts.

The grammarians are arguing.

Many argue; not many converse.

You can't argue with stupidity.

Arguing with a man doesn't work.

Never argue when you're winning.

Your friend will argue with you.

Insanity is arguing with reality.

Why am I arguing with a computer?

So many laws argues so many sins.

Never argue with a drunk or a fool.

Many can argue - not many converse.

only a fool would argue with a fool!

If you don't argue, you can't give in.

I never argue with people about movies.

Why argue about things you can't prove?

Too much gravity argues a shallow mind.

Maybe I was just born to argue with men.

Homeopaths argue that water has a memory.

Not to know me argues yourselves unknown.

It doesn't do any good to argue. Be kind.

To argue with reality is to argue with God

You're insane!" "I won't argue that point.

Simon drives me crazy. We are still arguing.

I'm used to fighting and arguing with males.

I am not arguing with you - I am telling you.

If you argue against reality you will suffer.

Fear not those who argue but those who dodge.

People argue themselves out of their pleasures

I have a hard time arguing with stupid people.

Proclaim the Word more and argue about it less.

So much perfection argues rottenness somewhere.

Without agreement you just have people arguing.

I can't believe this, I'm arguing with a woman!

Never argue with a librarian; they know too much.

One does not argue about The Wind in the Willows.

I'm still conflict-averse. I don't like to argue.

Many would argue that alpinism is art, not sport.

My father could argue two sides of a Möbius Strip.

It is only the intellectually lost who ever argue.

I've been arguing with Dianne Feinstein for years.

Never argue with people who buy ink by the gallon.

When Gold argues the cause, eloquence is impotant.

I think the media argues all the time with itself.

Films tend to argue in favor of whatever they show.

We should stop arguing about tax cuts in this town.

He who argues for his limitations gets to keep them

One cannot really argue with a mathematical theorem.

Arguments only confirm people in their own opinions.

Don't talk over me, don't argue with me, just listen.

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