I went to art school when I was little.

I went to beauty school, not art school.

I went to Cal Arts. I went to art school.

I studied realism when I was in art school.

I went to a private arts school. We had to wear cloaks.

I fantasized that I went to art school with the Beatles.

In an art school it's very hard to tell who is the best.

The only thing they can't teach you at art school is art.

I went to art school actually when I was sixteen years old.

Teaching at university isn't like teaching in an art school.

It's easier to be the art school band than to be the Beatles.

I was a bit odd. I read books and wanted to draw and go to art school.

The disenfranchised should be going to art school - not the franchised.

After that I jumped, especially being in art school, to the illustrators.

I also went to art school and learned to play a piano there, but I play by ear.

In art school, it was about feeling. In architecture school, it was about ideas.

I went to art school, I think it helped me a great deal because it taught me who I am.

My first job in construction paid my way through art school. I was building to pay my bills.

One of the advantages of not going to art school is that you're not taught what you can't do.

Going through the Chagrin Falls school system, I always thought I was going off to art school.

I went to art school first and thought that I'm going to design theater sets. That was my path.

I always wanted to be a doctor and go to art school, but I thought I'd regret it if I didn't act.

Painting is something that requires a lot of time - it's not just one good idea out of art school.

I made a life for myself in Africa that was as far as you could possibly get from art school at Yale.

At art school you realize that in order to stay engaged you have to ignore the critics, good and bad.

I always noticed that in art school, that grief was considered more profound than happiness. But why?

Art school had taught me it was far better to be a flamboyant failure than any kind of benign success.

Art school can be a wonderful place if you're trying to find your voice and your style and your taste.

I was fortunate enough to go to an art school where we had a lot of different ethnicities represented.

If you ever have a kid who doesn't know what to do, stick him in art school. It's amazing what evolves.

I was in art school once a week from six to 16, which was essential in shaping my artistic sensitivity.

I always tell people that I went through long hair. I was a typical art school scruff. It was good then.

Many artists who don't go off to art school come to New York. It's about what you learn when you're here.

I went to drama school but soon realised I was terrible at acting, so I ditched drama school for art school.

Originally, I thought of being a photographer and nearly went to art school, but I got a record deal instead.

I'm from a working-class background - I had free school meals all my life and then spent six years in art school.

In art school, you learn that design is much more than the look and feel of something - it's the whole experience.

All of us '60s pop stars came from old cities which had a jazz club, a folk club, a coffee house, and an art school.

I moved to New York and went to art school at Parsons School of Design. Became a photographer. Became a creative consultant.

I didn't start wearing makeup until I was in art school, and many of the techniques I learned on canvas, I applied to makeup.

I've always been a creative person, and I'd always wanted to paint, so I went to art school and began painting and sculpting.

I'd love to go to art school. I'd love to learn how to draw. I'd love to be fluent in Spanish. I'd like to be a brain surgeon.

I worked my way through art school as an auto mechanic, doing various stuff including sanding bodywork and using Bondo filler.

When I was a young kid at art school, I loved the sensual geometry of Poliakoff, which, of course, is inherent in my own work.

When I went to art school, I was just having fun. I realised that was the last chance I had, and then I would have to get a job.

I've exhibited quite a few of my photographs. I expand them digitally till they're very big. It's an art school thing, I suppose.

Dad never understood why Ridley wanted to go to art school, and then I came along six years later and wanted to do the same thing.

I started painting at 17; I took a class at Brentwood Art Center. I thought about art school - but I'm just so not a school person.

My background was art school, documentary director and surfer with a keen interest in thrilling acts of life threatening stupidity.

I went to art school for four years to learn a very expensive lesson - that there are many other artists who are way better than me.

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