Leo's goals are works of art.

Filmmaking can be a fine art.

Teach the art of living well.

I never intended to make art.

Art lies because it's social.

Now my tapestry's unraveling.

Science is our century's art.

War, the World's Only Hygiene

Life is greater than all art.

Chess is the art of analysis.

Without art there is no hope.

Only the poor can create art.

Be respectful of your Sensei.

Art can make chaos seductive.

Art for me is like breathing.

Above all, art should be fun.

There is no art without Eros.

Satire is the disease of art.

If it has a use it isn't art.

I draw manga, therefore I am!

It's amazing what art can do.

I love to collect modern art.

Art lies by its own artifice.

No art should be fashionable.

Art should be waged like war.

Art helped give me confidence.

There is but one art, to omit.

All great ideas are dangerous.

Past art is subject to change.

The purpose of art is mystery.

All I owe the world is my art.

A work of art is a confession.

It is a great art to saunter !

Art is a journey of discovery.

I am not strong on perfection.

Art is an emotional experience

Never leave an enemy standing.

Art takes nature as its model.

The joy of dressing is an art.

Art thou a friend to Roderick?

Art is a subset of creativity.

Art is an escape from reality.

Art is about paying attention.

The art is long, life is short

Art should be a place of hope.

Art is the accomplice of love.

I try to conceal art with art.

Art is emotion without desire.

Imagination governs the world.

timeliness is an enemy to art.

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