If I come to Aspen for one or two nights, I stay at the St. Regis.

I split my time between Santa Barbara and Aspen. I live on a pretty fast horse.

I don't completely understand why people in Aspen want to hear what I have to say.

Our whole family assembles in Chicago at Christmas and usually in Aspen in the summer.

I am inspired and affected by Aspen, the light and the landscape and the natural world.

My favorite Aspen memory is saving an upside-down cake that had exploded from the high altitude.

I just came from Aspen, Colorado and they had fifteen kids I played for and they all played horns.

Although I'd first seen Senator Hart in Aspen, Colorado, at a New Year's Day party in 1987, we hadn't talked.

Aspen Ladd is quite the enigma. She looks and acts like a Girl Scout out of the cage, but in there she is an absolute beast.

I love hiking in the mountains in Aspen. Breathing the clean, fresh air is great. Plus, it gives me a cardiovascular workout and firms my legs.

I experimented with my own one-man show a couple of years ago in Aspen when HBO used to have their comedy festival there. I called it 'A History of Me.'

Whenever we can, we tend to use debt to fund deals, as Aspen is very cash generative, so it doesn't make sense to issue equity. Over time, we can eliminate debt.

In 2007, I had on-paper success. I got to go to that Aspen comedy festival, which was pretty exclusive, I guess. Then I did Carson Daly. That was enough validation.

After I retired, I was in Aspen, and after two months of being at home, I started to go nuts. I needed to go somewhere because that was the longest I never travelled.

Check out London, Manhattan, Aspen and East Hampton real estate prices, as well as high-end art prices, to see what the leading edge of hyperinflation could look like.

Next to filmmaking and stuff like that, skiing is my favorite thing. I go skiing in Aspen - everywhere. I have been skiing since I was 4. I just love it. I feel so free.

I went to Aspen right after school and got a freelance gig writing articles for the 'Aspen Times.' I was their nightlife correspondent. They paid me fifty bucks an article.

I joined the Aspen Institute, which is a terrific nonpartisan center. They have a wonderful effort that focuses on the impact of communications technology on society and our economy.

I thought, 'I'll come back to New York. I worked for the 'Aspen Times' when I lived in Aspen. I'll work for the 'New York Times' when I live in New York.' It didn't work out that way.

My family moved to Aspen, Colorado, where we had 'Avalanche Danger' days that kept us from going to school, climbed 14,000-foot peaks as part of my education, and I learned to snowboard.

I've flown from Aspen and then to Switzerland the next day and then off again the day after. That's the thing I love most about snowboarding, honestly - getting to travel and explore different places and meet people.

One of Aspen's primary strategic intents is to further globalize its business, increase its representation across a number of additional territories, and provide support to its growing global presence with a differentiated pipeline.

TSX-002 will reinforce Aspen's pipeline, further bolstering its presence in a key therapeutic area for the Group. The registration of the product will allow Aspen the opportunity to develop the testosterone market in emerging markets.

We were empty nesters, our last-born child having departed for Duke. Meredith decided we needed a dog to fill the vacuum. She heard about a litter in Colorado sired by Chopper, the legendary avalanche dog at the top of Aspen Mountain.

Aspen's investment in TesoRx will assist in the work being undertaken to bring this product to market and in investing behind TesoRx's pipeline and technology that has the potential to be used for a wide range of different applications.

I want to be Jacques Pepin. I want to have a nice 50-, 60-year career. I want to be on PBS when I'm 70-something, still kicking it, having a great time, showing up in Aspen to sign cookbooks. I just want to have a nice, big, long career.

There is no better example of social and economic policy discussion as an idle pastime for the rich than the World Economic Forum at Davos. These guys make the millionaire schmoozers at the Aspen Ideas Festival look like short-order cooks.

Walter Isaacson attracts the best and the brightest to Aspen. It is exhilarating to listen to the likes of David Rubenstein and constitutional scholar Jeffrey Rosen speak about George Washington and Newt Gingrich and the original intent of the Second Amendment.

This June, I'll travel once again to the Food and Wine Magazine Classic in Aspen, Colorado. For many years, my dear friend Julia Child and I have teamed up to teach classes together at the event; for the past seven years, my daughter, Claudine, has been my cooking partner on stage.

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