I'm an average person.

The average person tells a few white lies.

The average person has one Fallopian tube.

You know what the average person is? Average.

My exploits are nothing now to the average person.

I'm an average person. Is just that I like reading.

Unlike most other people, I'm just an average person.

I believe I am more intelligent than the average person.

The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.

I don't know if the average person really has faith in Washington anymore.

The issues that most impact the average person are made at the local level.

I feel like what motivates me is what would motivate the regular average person.

I think the average person thinks I'm a nut and I deserve whatever happens to me.

An average person like me does not know about stuff like chasing absentee ballots.

Basically, I'm just an average person who takes a little extra care of his health.

I can reach people the average person can't reach because I'm as grounded as I am.

I got into economics because I wanted to make things better for the average person.

I think it might surprise the average person how angry people can get over the comics.

If I could explain it to the average person, it wouldn't have been worth the Nobel Prize.

I think I'm a pretty average person, and I respond to positive things, so I write for myself.

When telemarketers call me now, I won't get the blow-horn. I'm more polite than the average person.

It's weird, because realistically, I'm the average person. I got in one fight my whole entire life.

That's what as an artist you always try to do. To try to be a sharper mind than the average person.

Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person they are almost indistinguishable.

The average person may, at a high level, think of us as a digital currency bank, but we're not a bank.

Can we get the average person on his way to work to pick someone up and drop them off once in a while?

We want the average person to use it and think that it makes the experience of using Pinterest better.

Looking after myself is something I probably have to be much more conscious of than the average person.

I think if the average person that uses AOL can't physically see the changes in the company, we've failed.

I'm simple in my approach and straightforward. I connect with the average person that is interested in food.

We're trying to do something so that when the average person uses Pinterest, it has to make the service better.

I've come to the conclusion that the average person can do about four things a day, like four real things a day.

You can't run the economy on BMWs alone. If the average person is in a pickle, how do you have a healthy economy?

People are intimidated when they first meet me, but it doesn't take them long to realise I'm just an average person.

For the average person walking down the street, they don't even know a women's soccer league exists in this country.

There is nothing more fearful for the average person in our society than to stand before a group of people and speak.

I find the world extremely upsetting - not in the way an average person does but more in the way a crazy person might.

What I think the average person wants is not a fight; they want to see something move forward in their own neighborhood.

The average person that lives in Sydney, if they want to buy a house in Sydney, that shouldn't be out of reach for them.

When I started my last business, I didn't receive a paycheck for 13 months. The average person can't handle that pressure.

The average celebrity meets, in one year, ten times the amount of people that the average person meets in his entire life.

The average person in Hollywood just assumes that if you're on a hit TV show, then that's the first thing you've ever done.

The average person has eight different jobs over the course of their lifetime. You get a little antsy doing the same thing.

The average person is gregarious; there is something in the spirit of the crowd that adds to the enjoyment of entertainment.

When you're in the slam dunk contest, you try to do the things the average person would have trouble doing on a Nerf basket.

An actor hears 'no' more often than the average person. A black human and a black woman on top of that? That's a lot of no's.

As far as dramas are concerned, it's considered passe for playwrights to turn out anything the average person can understand.

The average person pushes an elevator button 6 or 7 minutes before realizing it's not working. I did a study on this, you know.

Starting the podcast was an experiment. I wouldn't say I was very private, but I was probably as private as the average person.

It is one of the triumphs of modern society that the life of the average person with Down Syndrome has become strikingly normal.

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