The civil service are risk averse.

I'm not averse to a bit of travel.

I'm not averse to telling people off.

I'm not averse to being in big commercial films.

I'm not averse to helping Wall Street when it helps Main Street.

I'm generally risk averse, and most great entrepreneurs I know are as well.

We've become a country that is often risk averse. That's not the way to succeed.

There's no question that women are more risk averse, thoughtful, and deliberative.

I am not averse to politics, but that does not mean that I am going to join politics.

I know what my strengths and weaknesses are on the pitch. My duty is to be risk averse.

The mainstream of literary culture in the U.K. is very averse to writing about technology.

I'm not averse to being a supporting character. I try to pick parts where I can add something.

I am averse to incompetency. I need mentally stimulating people and intelligent conversations.

Since I'm comfortable with my family, I work with them but it's not that I'm averse to others.

I'm a fan of robust debate, and I'm not averse to engaging in the odd ad hominem attack myself.

Americans are generally very self-sufficient and I think generally averse to pretension, just as I am.

I am not averse to the idea of being in a relationship. In fact, I think everything in this world can be solved through love.

India's educated youth is skill-deficient, risk averse in attitude, and largely unemployable in the cutting-edge manufacturing sector.

Being a mum is something that's never bothered me too much. I have never felt a strong need to have children, but I am not averse to it either.

Who doesn't like having love, companionship, care and affection? I get plenty of that from my family and friends. But I'm not averse to marriage.

Republicans working in leadership and the trenches are largely old, white, male, out-of-touch, out of ideas, technology averse, and living in the past.

I never grew up on a staple diet of Hindi cinema. In fact, when I was a VJ, I was averse to it. Purely because I could never imagine myself being an actor.

I had accumulated some capital and was at an age at which I was interested in generating income. But even though I was risk averse, I was interested in growth stocks.

The major challenge facing most foundations is that they are risk averse. This inhibits their ability to experiment and commit to the experimentation and innovation process.

Increase your company's average talent with each hire - founders tend to be pretty smart but willing to take on risk. Employees should be a lot smarter and less risk averse.

There's an outline for each of the books that I adhere to pretty closely, but I'm not averse to taking it in a new direction, as long as I can get it back to where I need it to go.

There is a short window at the beginning of one's professional life, when it is comparatively easy to take big risks. Make the most of that time, before circumstances make you risk averse.

Frankly, I guess, I don't really understand why people, why so many people, are so risk averse. You know, there's always ways to wiggle your way out of any situation if you're motivated enough.

Some people are averse to change, but the advertising model is going to change with or without the Hopper. What we're saying to the broadcasters is, 'There's a way for you not to put your head in the sand.'

Often we women are risk averse. I needed the push. Now, more than ever, young women need more seasoned women to provide that encouragement, to take a risk, to go for it. Once a glass ceiling is broken, it stays broken.

And now when we hear that Iran and Iraq plan to cooperate more closely and that a fundamentalist is coming to power in Tehran - a man about whom we cannot be sure that he is absolutely averse to terrorism - it is very worrisome.

As we get older, we tend to become more risk averse because we tend to find reasons why things won't work. When you are a kid, you think everything is possible, and I think with creativity it is so important to keep that naivety.

I think in general, people who aren't themselves entrepreneurs are often more risk averse. And I think you see this dynamic a lot with entrepreneurial people who lead a company, which is that they hire people who complement them.

As an actor I get opportunities to do different kind of films. It's not that if I have done a few comedies, I'm averse to other roles or genres. It's just that I go for the films I like and incidentally some of them have been comedies.

I am very averse to bringing myself forward in print, but as my account will only appear as an appendage to a former production, and as it will be confined to such topics as have connection with my authorship alone, I can hardly accuse myself of a personal intrusion.

I won't say that I'm an agnostic, since agnosticism maintains that one cannot know... but I'm not averse to the idea of some intelligence or some organizing force that set up the initial conditions of the universe in such a way that ultimately generated stars, planets and life.

I'm not averse to making a lot of money. But where does that end? I hang out with people with hundreds of millions of dollars. Is that the standard by which I should measure myself? Where does that take you if you're in my business? I think it takes you to pretty dark, corrupt places.

I have always been averse to theorizing about the art or craft of biography. Like Disraeli's biographer, Lord Blake, who offers the cautionary analogy of the biographical centipede unsure of her next step because of too much cerebration, I have made it my practice to let the facts find the theory.

It's actually a pretty basic concept: when businesses feel secure and confident, they are more likely to grow, hire, and invest. Conversely, when the economy is unstable, businesses often become much more risk averse, and in many cases, they're forced to make undesirable cuts that affect their bottom line.

Often confused with shyness, introversion does not imply social reticence or discomfort. Rather than being averse to social engagement, introverts become overwhelmed by too much of it, which explains why the introvert is ready to leave a party after an hour and the extravert gains steam as the night goes on.

For black people who are really dark - and a lot of black people were averse to be dark skinned - it was believed that you'd be so dark that you couldn't see them at night unless they were smiling or you could see the whites of their eyes. At one time, it was a sharp comic barb that got levelled at some people.

The British are supposed to be particularly averse to intellectuals, a prejudice closely bound up with their dislike of foreigners. Indeed, one important source of this Anglo-Saxon distaste for highbrows and eggheads was the French revolution, which was seen as an attempt to reconstruct society on the basis of abstract rational principles.

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