This is not a pleasant route for many young people to consider. You ...

This is not a pleasant route for many young people to consider. You have to be either hopelessly passionate, or very stupid.

Never excuse yourself.

Dancing cheek to cheek.

I'm always ballet ready.

Even the ears must dance.

My dancing days are past.

Get my swan costume ready.

Bleeding feet will bond us.

I am a cloud - in trousers.

I am passionate about ballet.

I did ballet when I was a kid.

I could have danced all night!

Classical ballet will never die.

Dancing is the body made poetic.

Ballet is the fairies' baseball.

Why be normal? What's the point?

I liked the structure of ballet.

I wanted to be a ballet teacher.

Wrestling is ballet with violence.

Be IN it. Get drunk in the moment.

Movements are as eloquent as words.

True art consists in concealing art.

I wanted to be a male ballet dancer.

Ballet is only good when it is great.

Dancing is poetry with arms and legs.

The ballet world, it's a crazy world.

Ballet is a riddle of means and ends.

He dances well to whom Fortune pipes.

My muse must come to me on union time.

My mother danced; she loved the ballet.

I grew up wanting to be a ballet dancer.

Ballet teaches you how to hold yourself.

Apparently, I have good feet for ballet.

Ballet.something pure in this crazy world

I danced with passion to spite the music.

In ballet class, I felt like Ralph Wiggum.

Treat each class as if it were your first.

Dance is not an exercise. Dance is an art.

Ballet will speak for itself. About itself.

The artistic path is a fearless occupation.

I live in my Ballet Beautiful street shoes.

The greater the fool the better the dancer.

To dance is to give channel to the Creator.

Ballet is a dance executed by the human soul.

To me, dance and ballet are not so accessible.

I loved doing ballet. I trained for two years.

I want to share the ballet world with everyone.

I'm steel-toed boots in a ballet-slipper world.

I came to New York to study ballet and English.

Ballet dancers really know how to enter a room.

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