Happy he who learns to bear what he cannot change.

Happy he who learns to bear what he cannot change.

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more ...

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

I bear a charmed life.

I can't bear Catholicism.

I am a gummy bear fanatic.

Suarez? I bear no grudges.

I can't bear kissing scenes.

Bear patiently with a rival.

Juggling a huge cast is a bear.

To bear is to conquer our fate.

Men can't bear to see women cry.

Those who can bear all can dare all.

All we are asked to bear we can bear.

I'm not a flying fan. I can't bear it.

The boughs that bear most hang lowest.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality.

I write in order to bear witness to life.

Man, a polar bear almost grabbed me once.

You don't often see Bear Grylls in a suit.

For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?

I don't bear any bitterness towards anyone.

If the money is right, I will fight a bear.

People have a right to be able to bear arms.

I can't bear the silent ringing in my skull.

I want people to have the right to bear arms.

We bear a heavy and therefore a great destiny.

I can't bear it that Douglas isn't still here.

Theory helps us to bear our ignorance of facts.

Bear the Cross cheerfully and it will bear you.

Bob Saget is the bear from the Golden Crisp box.

Bear Valley is the hidden treasure of the Sierra.

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.

The yoke you wear determines the burden you bear.

God does give us more than we can bear sometimes.

I hate the rock music tradition. I can't bear it!

Those who will bear much, shall have much to bear.

The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.

Those who commit injustice bear the greatest burden.

The things hardest to bear are sweetest to remember.

I can't bear the idea or concept of being a 'celeb.'

The right to bear arms? What about the right to live?

The only thing I won't eat is swede - I can't bear it.

I bear no grudges. I have a mind that retains nothing.

We are strong enough to bear the misfortunes of others.

We Americans... bear the ark of liberties of the world.

The Exorcist has been a very interesting cross to bear.

I like bears. I like bear people. I like bear-type men.

I cannot bear the responsibility for one drop of blood.

If you see me in a fight with a bear, pray for the bear.

We are all strong enough to bear other men's misfortunes.

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