I don't look at myself as one of the best pitchers in the world.

I was never going to be very cute. I always looked for the best people to play with and, 'cause, to make myself look better.

Sometimes I look at myself and ask, 'What is my best position?' But I think it's a defensive midfielder; that's the best one.

I never look at myself as a black player. I think of myself as a hockey player that wants to be the best player in the league.

I go on the Internet and look at old pictures of myself, because it is the best reminder of how far I have come and where I do not want to be.

I think when I started playing against some of the best guys on the AAU circuit, I started to look at myself and say, 'I am one of these guys.'

As a kid I lost my temper quite easily and tended to look away from the game itself. Now I know how to manage that and get the best out of myself.

When I go out and I'm presenting the best side of myself, I want to look different from everyone, but I don't want it to look like I'm wearing a costume.

You have got to decide, look, this is who I am; this is my best way to present myself, and I'm going to ride that horse to the finish line. Not everybody will like it, but that's OK.

I look at my grandparents and what they dealt with in the Japanese internment in Arizona. That sense of perseverance, of making the best out of an incredibly bad situation, has always been something I drew inspiration from. I always ask myself, 'What in the world do I have to complain about?'

If I'm going to be the best in what I do, I have to study what I'm doing, I have to see what I'm doing. I have to see it, I have to hear it. I'm just starting to appreciate myself - not starting, but appreciating myself in a way where I can look at myself back in a movie or listen to myself as much as I do now.

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