If I play my best, I can win anywhere in the world against anybody.

My target is to win the World Drivers Championship. I want to be the best.

When you win in Montreal, it's the best place in the world to play hockey.

If you're in the best team in the world, you or your teammate have to win.

If you want to win the World Cup, you need to play against the best national teams in the world.

To be recognized as one of the best, you need to win that WWE title or the World Heavyweight Championship.

I still don't think the world has seen the best Andre Ward. Initially, I just wanted to get in there and win.

The best thing to do is to find the type of play to make Italy win the World Cup, and maybe Baggio be the best player.

You may be the best team in the world, but you can't win all the tournaments. That's what the media does not understand.

I won't win a World Cup, and I won't win the Olympics, but I'm sure I can compete with the best, and that's what I want to show.

PSG is an ambitious club that wants to be the best in the world. So you have to win all the competitions and leave no room for doubt.

I do not necessarily want to play for the best team in the world. I would prefer to win the Champions League with Dortmund than six with another club.

Messi is always compared to Maradona, but he needs to win the World Cup because if you don't win the World Cup, you can't be up there with the very best.

You win a world title, you beat the best guys in the world, and a lot of these fans are kind of misconstrued about who are the best fighters in the world.

It's harder when you're supposed to win. When you're talking about the best players and the best teams in the world, when you talk about the Heat, you can ask them - it's not easy.

I don't get grumpy at a 'Strictly' level, you understand. We're just making a television show - the person I'm dancing with can't dance; they're doing their best, and we're not going to win the World Championships.

I have a feeling we are going to be world champions, I can't really explain why. Brazil are probably the best team in the world in terms of individual players. But the team with the most gifted players do not always win.

In wrestling, if you want to be the best wrestler, you show up at the U.S. Nationals. If you win that, you go to World Team Trials. You make the World Team, you go to the World Championships, and we all know who the best is at the end of the year.

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