Bowie's obviously my biggest influence.

My biggest influence is my big brother.

Mum has been the biggest influence on me.

Most definitely, my dad was my biggest influence.

Without a doubt, Dana White is my biggest influence.

Movies were the biggest influence on me when I was a kid.

My parents were definitely the biggest influence in my life.

In my career, Diego Maradona had the biggest influence on me.

The people that you have around you are your biggest influence.

Bud Powell's probably the biggest influence on my piano playing.

Dianne Reeves, a famous jazz singer, would be my biggest influence.

Personally speaking, I think the Beatles were our biggest influence.

My dad was the biggest influence on my life because he was never boring.

My grandfather influenced my brother, and my brother was my biggest influence.

My dad is my biggest influence on me as a musician, even though he's not a musician.

Emmylou Harris is just the biggest influence of mine musically, her and Dolly Parton.

I worked under Francis Schmidt, and he was the biggest influence on my coaching career.

When we talk my biggest influence, I have to say Van Gaal. He threw me in the deep end.

I think having kids has been the biggest influence on my work since I started publishing.

Coach Spurrier, without question, has been the biggest influence to me, next to my father.

'The Nightmare Before Christmas' is my number one biggest influence artistically in every way.

The Grateful Dead were an influence on our music but they weren't by a long shot the biggest influence.

My biggest influence is my city. There's so much there. We have our own lingo, food, music and culture.

My biggest influence is Tupac. He was a poet, and listening to Tupac is what inspired me to start rapping.

I think if you look at most successful people, if you ask most of them, their biggest influence was their dad.

I'd say that Ray Charles is definitely the biggest influence on my singing. Also Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder.

Bobby Cox had the biggest influence in my career and probably the second- or third-biggest influence in my life.

As far as actual playing, Clapton - by far - is my biggest influence, and you can tuck Jeff Beck underneath that.

When they ask who is your biggest influence, I always say Pharrell: whether it is music or fashion, I'm a big fan.

Sinatra was the biggest influence on my life, my singing career. And rightly so. I mean he was the best singer ever.

Maybe the worst thing is not caring what people think. That came from my mother. She was the biggest influence on my life.

Dylan's relationship with Johnny Cash was the biggest influence on Nashville in my lifetime - they opened up country music.

Atlanta has had the biggest influence. I was born in Baltimore, but I've lived in ATL since I was probably about 4 years old.

My biggest influence growing up was Avicii, who put me onto creating the sorts of melodies that feature throughout my songs today.

Research shows that parents are the single biggest influence on children - if you are worried about your teen and drugs, talk to them.

Television and comic books are, and continue to be, probably the biggest influence in my life. It's the biggest influence on everybody's life.

My mom was probably the biggest influence. She cooked dinner every night. We sat around the table every night. It was a very traditional family.

I would say Triple H is the biggest influence on my career. He's almost like a father figure. If I slip up, or there's a problem, he lets me know.

In terms of fashion, I think the biggest influence that I had was my father. My pops, he was really into men's fashion and read all of the magazines.

Michael Landon was the biggest influence. As a child, I watched him write, direct, star, and produce a TV show every week. He showed me what was possible.

Someone asked me the other day, 'What's the biggest influence on your filmmaking career?' And they started naming filmmakers. I went 'Naw, it's Jesus actually.'

I think my uncle was probably the biggest influence in my life. We grew up in the same house, and he was just a really great, hard-working, honest, ethical person.

Part of me still feels like I've never had the opportunity to properly express all my earliest influences, so for now, I find isolation to be my biggest influence.

I definitely love kimchi. The biggest influence that eating so much Korean food growing up had on me was that I have no limit for spiciness. The hotter the better.

I always say Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is my biggest influence. But for painters, I like many, many painters, but I love Francis Bacon the most, and Edward Hopper.

'Jaws' was the ultimate man vs. nature movie, and it was a movie that was basically three people against the elements, so that was the biggest influence on 'Frozen.'

My dad's the one who's always been there; he's my hero, you could say. Even when he was working, he'd do anything for me. He's been the biggest influence in my life.

My biggest influence is rap. It spoke to me, probably because of my upbringing in Christiania. You listen to 'The Chronic' and you can hear that anger and frustration.

When I was growing up, I always liked playing football, and my mum always took me to football games. I owe her a lot. She was my pillar. She was the biggest influence on me.

We're not Seattle East. We're our own Atlanta, and there are definitely things I learned from Coach Carroll. He had probably the single biggest influence on my coaching career.

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