Frankly, my head can never be bloated.

I'm a big fan of 'Dead and Bloated,' for sure.

I have those days where I'm PMSing and bloated.

In public schools, classes are bloated - it's ridiculous.

The body is dynamic. You can eat something and get bloated in minutes.

Wheat makes my stomach very bloated. Sugar is horrible for my skin, but I love it.

What house, bloated with luxury, ever became prosperous without a woman's excellence?

After we have calmly stood by and allowed monopolies to grow fat, we should not be asked to make them bloated.

Increasingly, football fans are arguing that the game is bloated with too much down time. The officiating is clumsy.

The Greek people deserve an economy that is not burdened forever by a heavy bureaucracy and a bloated public sector.

The income tax is flawed for a number of reasons - it discourages economic growth and encourages a bloated government.

The government is so out of control. It is so bloated and infested with fraud and deceit and corruption and abuse of power.

I hated prog rock; to me, it was the ultimate expression of a bloated sense of self-importance and mindless self-indulgence.

Unfortunately, most of Congress has little to offer except making noise and knowing how to move up the bloated political chain.

Undernourished, intelligence becomes like the bloated belly of a starving child: swollen, filled with nothing the body can use.

Trillion-dollar bailouts, bloated budgets, and boondoggle spending packages aren't working, at least for my friends and neighbors.

Bloated budgets are ruining Hollywood - these pictures are squeezing all the other types of movies out of Hollywood. It's disastrous.

I understand how bureaucracies work. And that's important because our government has become a vast, huge, bloated, corrupt bureaucracy.

We have bloated, out-of-control, and unresponsive government agencies that need to be reined in and focused by Congress to deliver results.

I think, at a certain point, it's better for women not to have any alcohol because it can make your face, breasts and midsection get very bloated.

You don't learn anything from success. You know, it's comfortable, it's nice, it's warm, but success just leaves you kind of feeling a little bloated.

To add to our misery and despair, a bloated aristocracy has sent to China - the greatest and oldest despotism in the world - for a cheap working slave.

A lot of Hollywood films tend to be bloated, bombastic, loud. At the same time, I do like the infrastructure of making a blockbuster; it's like having a big train set.

Some women can't stand being pregnant, getting big and bloated, and hauling around a giant stomach, and some women, for reasons probably understood by Darwin, love it.

Seeing is no longer believing. The very notion of truth has been put into crisis. In a world bloated with images, we are finally learning that photographs do indeed lie.

We live in a society bloated with data yet starved for wisdom. We're connected 24/7, yet anxiety, fear, depression and loneliness is at an all-time high. We must course-correct.

Sometimes those big bloated superhero movies take themselves too seriously compared to the material they were based on. Am I going to listen to psychoanalysis from someone with a mask?

For me, it's all about healthy eating and working out. If I have to look slim for a bikini, then I will eat lots more salad and fruit, which are low in calories and don't make you look bloated.

It's an established fact. Some women can't stand being pregnant, getting big and bloated, and hauling around a giant stomach, and some women, for reasons probably understood by Darwin, love it.

It was easy for people to be derisive about our music because they saw what we were doing as retro. But we were like barbarians trying to crash the gates of the bloated progressive rock that we despised.

Belts distract the eye from a bloated tummy, a heavy-set upper body and all manner of sins. They can be a superb way to update your wardrobe without breaking the bank, and there's no reason to stop wearing them, ever!

Other countries, such as Israel, successfully employ behavior detection techniques at their airports, but the bloated, ineffective bureaucracy of TSA has produced another security failure for U.S. transportation systems.

I definitely don't subscribe to the theory that more instruments, or more vocal tracks, harmony, or double tracking the voice, is a good thing. People do their early albums very stripped down, then each album becomes bloated.

Strip the proud nobility of their bloated estates, reduce them to a level with plain republicans, send forth to labor, and teach their children to enter the workshops or handle the plow, and you will thus humble proud traitors.

The greatest threat to our freedom and prosperity is not al-Qaida, the Taliban, Iran or even China. It's an idea, the idea that we can spend our way out of our problems without tightening our belt and paring down the very bloated government.

Like most women, I have days where I feel like today I'm not leaving the house - you know days where you've got a spot on your nose or when you've just got off a flight, eaten fish and chips and feel really bloated - that one happens a lot to me.

The most obvious criticism of aid is its links to rampant corruption. Aid flows destined to help the average African end up supporting bloated bureaucracies in the form of the poor-country governments and donor-funded non-governmental organizations.

The photographer begins to feel big and bloated and so big he can't walk through one of these doors because he gets a good byline; he gets notices all over the world and so forth; but they're really - the important people are the people he photographs.

I believe our health care system is in drastic need of innovative, patient-centered reforms that encourage competition and increase consumer choice, not the bloated bureaucracy, tax increases, rationing, and mandates in the president's government takeover.

By 2007, an uncompetitive, bloated, over-borrowed and distorted Irish economy had been left at the mercy of subsequent international events without the safeguards, institutions, and mindset needed to survive and prosper as a small open economy inside the euro area.

What I found about 'Nashville' coming in is it's about these small performances. It can be on a big stage but detailed, small, heartfelt, real performances from musicians and singers. So if you try to do something bloated or showy, the directors dial us in and let us know.

The more powerful you become, the less likely it is that people will tell you the truth. It must be why the 'Harry Potter' books become so bloated as the series progresses; think of the beautiful, precise editing of books 1-3 drowned in a mire of sycophancy and yea-saying.

I was never particularly wild, just very busy and often didn't think about what I was putting into my body. Today things are very different. I stopped smoking in my late 30s; I avoid wheat and gluten as this makes me feel bloated and sluggish; exercise regularly and bounce out of bed.

The broken consumer credit market had to be repaired by making sure that consumers had the right information and could use it effectively. That meant consolidating the bloated patchwork of ineffective agencies and regulations so that a single agency could act as a voice for consumers.

I don't like gross monetary inequities. I firmly believe that the wrong people and the wrong professions are being rewarded, and rewarded absurdly, and that the hardest work the obscenely rich do is ensuring that they preserve their privileges, status symbols, and bloated bank accounts.

In 1874, Mary Fraser accompanied her husband Hugh to Hong Kong, arriving hours after a typhoon had wrecked the island. Some 10,000 boat families had drowned in the harbour. There was no way to avoid the bloated bodies, and when Mary disembarked, she felt her foot land on something soft.

There are a lot of things that are personally uncomfortable to show, especially me without makeup and completely bloated or crying. But I've realized that it's time for me to show my audience that you don't have to be perfect to achieve your dreams. Because nobody relates to being perfect.

The hardest part was four days after the surgery - my heart rate was very high, I was choking, I couldn't cough, and I started crying. And it was seeing the way my chest looked, definitely deformed. I'm a fit guy, I'm a skinny guy, but to look in the mirror I was bloated with all of the meds.

Technology has moved away from sharing and toward ownership. This suits software and hardware companies just fine: They create new, bloated programs that require more disk space and processing power. We buy bigger, faster computers, which then require more complex operating systems, and so on.

At the end of the day, every member of the conservative movement, from our political commentators and thinkers to our elected officials, share an important and common purpose in advancing the cause of liberty, reigning in a bloated federal government, and defending our traditional family values.

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