I like a high boot on a girl.

WWE is like showbiz boot camp.

I am Mr. 'Toot it and Boot It.'

Soap operas are like acting boot camps.

A boot cut does not look great on most people.

I graduated boot camp with meritorious promotion.

I love Australia! I got a boot thrown at me there.

I can't walk in stilettos. I'm more of a boot girl.

Who cares about the Golden Boot? I want the golden cup.

Being in a boot is not fun. Being on crutches is not fun.

I'm very much into Barry's Boot Camp... it's the real deal.

If I get the boot out of the UFC, I'll still continue to fight.

I do hot boot camp, play tennis and do yoga three times a week.

A size 13 boot to the face has done wonders for my winning streak!

When I put out 'Toot It and Boot It,' did anything sound like that?

I don't just say I'm conservative. I have boot leather to my gospel.

I was in better shape when I went into boot camp than when I came out.

I got the boot once from Stanley Donen. The film was called The Little Prince.

To me, traveling by bus is like climbing into a closet and watching 'Das Boot.'

People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them.

Boot camp sucks - SEAL training sucks - but you know what? That's what makes you good.

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

When you see two writers named on a movie, one of them did some drafts and got the boot.

Have you heard about the Irishman who reversed into a car boot sale and sold the engine?

I have no skanky guys in my band nor on my bus. If they are they get the boot real quick.

If I'm ever wearing a super-flowy dress, I like to toughen it up with a boot or something.

Always have a sense of humor about life - you'll need it - but always be courteous to boot.

The best part about the movie, and everybody seems to rave about it, is the boot camp part.

Def Jam was always trying to get me to put out an album because I had 'Toot It and Boot It.'

I am thrilled to get the chance to write comics - and to tell Forgotten Realms tales, to boot!

I love to design things that people can actually buy. I'm staggered by what a boot costs today.

I weighed 190 when I got to boot camp, I came out at 178. I ate only the beans and tomato sauce.

I go to various boot camps 4-5 times a week, and I try to get some Pilates in there to thin and tone.

If you just try long enough and hard enough, you can always manage to boot yourself in the posterior.

It was kind of like songwriter's boot camp. You had to produce. You had to produce fast. You had to learn.

I have two Golden Boot awards at home. It would be nice to win another, but I wouldn't mind it if I didn't.

Boot camp was the first time I got a heavy dose of discipline. It was the best thing that ever happened to me.

When I got into the sport I was so fat that my manager said he should send me to boot camp to lose the weight!

Some people wear their heart up on their sleeve. I wear mine underneath my right pant leg, strapped to my boot.

Parma is an amazing Parmesan cheese substitute made from walnuts. It tastes like a dream and is healthy, to boot!

I do Y7 Yoga; I take a lot of Akin's Army classes, soul cycle, boot camps, tone house, SLT, boxing. I do everything.

I'm all about simple, elegant, and effective, and when I wear the rubber boot on my head, it draws a lot of attention.

When I went through Marine boot camp in Paris Island, South Carolina, we actually did have bayonets that we trained with.

Football is so barbaric. Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking by playing it. I feel almost like I escaped from boot camp.

Onstage, I channel my inner goddess. Everyday Jillian is definitely more low-key: jeans and a crop top with a sneaker or boot.

I wear Blundstones for hiking. They're like a work boot with a bit of grip, so you can wear them all day. They're quite groovy.

I like the movie 'Das Boot,' the German film made in the '80s. I found out it was a series that was made into a film for the U.S.

I've worn some particularly baggy jeans and cowboys boot combinations after coming back from Austin, Texas. This was ill-advised.

If you're in the WWE, it's like show business boot camp. You learn a little bit about everything as far as show business is involved.

Even now, I'm very superstitious, in silly ways. I always put my left boot on first. Or on set, I always tie my bow tie from right to left.

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