Perfect food is born of perfect order.

Men are born, and then they're formed.

Beirut is where I was born and raised.

I'm a born librarian with a sex drive.

I was born free as Caesar; so were you

No insignificant person was ever born.

The only sin is the sin of being born.

In solitude all great things are born.

Misfortune nobly born is good fortune.

Art should be born from the materials.

Some people seem to be born to suffer.

I am an Israeli-born American citizen.

A world of made is not a world of born

I was born to enjoy life. And so it is.

I thank God that I wasn't born perfect.

I think part of me was born loving you.

I was born in Sherman Oaks, California.

You were born original don't die a copy

When Reason died, then Wisdom was born.

I've been gay since the day I was born.

We're born naked, and the rest is drag.

I have existed before Abraham was born.

The only city people are those born so.

The one who is not being born is dying.

If millions are born millions must die.

I was born a singer. I need to do that.

The creature born is the creature dying.

Frankly, I was born with a silver spoon.

Why was I born with such contemporaries?

Maybe we're born lost, born to persevere

Is base in kind, and born to be a slave.

Man always dies before he is fully born.

Leadership is something I was born with.

Maybe I was just born to argue with men.

I am told I was born. I do not remember.

All great art is born of the metropolis.

Boldness is behavior born out of belief.

I think I was born in Elizabethan times.

Some people are born very far from home.

I think I was born stubborn, that's all.

Ive been playing music since I was born.

We are born of love; Love is our mother.

Legends are not born - they are created.

Some men become what they were born for.

The nobly born must nobly meet his fate.

We're born man, woman and sexual beings.

God wills, man dreams, the work is born.

Still all the tulkus being born are men.

Genius must be born, it can't be taught.

Gossip, like ennui, is born of idleness.

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