I was never born, I didnt die.

There's one born every minute.

Nothing is born, nothing dies.

I was born to be on the stage.

Darkness is dawn not yet born.

The victory of endurance born.

I believe I was born to breed.

I was born to race and to win.

Enemies are created, not born.

Fidel Castro was a born rebel.

Christians are made, not born.

No man is born without faults.

Some men are born posthumously.

I was born and raised Catholic.

I was so young when I was born.

Virality isn’t born, it’s made.

When desire dies, fear is born.

I was born into public service.

I was born to murder the world.

I wasn't born, I was unleashed.

I got born in the wrong family.

I think I was a born scientist.

All pitchers are born pitchers.

Passion is born of vague hopes.

Everything that gets born dies.

By ancestry, I was born to rule.

I was born in Shawnee, Oklahoma.

We are all born; some remain so.

True Yankees are born, not made.

America, you must be born again!

We are all born marked for evil.

I am an American – Chicago born.

You were born not to be just fine

There is a fool born every minute

All concord's born of contraries.

I was born 'neath a clouded star.

A born king is a very rare being.

I'm not a natural born performer.

With rebellion, awareness is born

Love is the reason you were born.

One is born to be a great dancer.

I was born with a mic in my hand.

We are all born to be a blessing.

I was born in Homestead, Florida.

I'm gay, and I was born this way.

Be the artist you were born to be.

I was born out of classical music.

Out of darkness is born the light.

Divas are not made, they are born.

In soft regions are born soft men.

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