I could live in a sari; I was born to wear a sari.

A parent, unlike a poet, is not born - he is made.

I was probably born with some designing abilities.

Can't a person be born where they want to be born?

I was born on May 17, 1979, in Newark, New Jersey.

I'm sorry, but I was born with a towel on my head.

It's pointless to cry. One is born and dies alone.

We are just statistics, born to consume resources.

I didn't back into being an actor, I was born one.

I was born in a little place called Inverness, MS.

You mocking changeling- fairy-born and human-bred!

Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains.

Well, I was born and raised in Rochester, New York.

Hope is born of participation in hopeful solutions.

Birds born in cages think that flying is a disease.

What we need is hatred. From it our ideas are born.

Obama does not like the issue of where he was born.

It is from the womb of art that criticism was born.

We are born nude and everything after that is drag.

I was born in India - but never really lived there.

I was born to hit a baseball. I can hit a baseball.

I wasn't born a fool. It took work to get this way.

New ideas are not born in a conforming environment.

Barack Obama was born in the United States, period.

Some people were born just so they could be buried.

All true knowledge of God is born out of obedience.

Perhaps my whisper was already born before my lips.

You're born with intelligence, but not with ethics.

The future is just a memory that has yet to be born

Art is born when the temporary touches the eternal.

Man is born to conquer nature and not to follow it.

I was born to be a teacher, and I'll die a teacher.

I can live with failure if it is born of conviction.

...no one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.

And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

I wasn't born with a natural talent for songwriting.

It is better to be nobly remembered than nobly born.

The world I was born into was one filled with music.

All geniuses born women are lost to the public good.

Revolutions are not born of chance but of necessity.

We may be born equal but we're not equally talented.

I was born in Wales but I'm not Welsh - I'm English.

I did feel from day one that I was a born performer.

I myself was born in Sacramento, California in 1966.

Having children is what a woman is born for, really.

I'm telling you, monsters aren't born, they're made.

I was born a jackdaw; why should I try to be an owl?

My wound existed before me; I was born to embody it.

I was born in Detroit, in an all black neighborhood.

I was born to an Arab father and I was born Islamic.

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