How I love David Bowie.

I am a big David Bowie fan.

Bowie's been a huge influence on me.

I would have loved to meet David Bowie.

Bowie's obviously my biggest influence.

I'm from the same planet as David Bowie.

I'm a massive Bowie fan, always have been.

What about David Bowie? He's a sexy creature.

I went to glam shows and was inspired by Bowie.

David Bowie told me my music sounds like tomorrow

If David Bowie wants, I'll put him in my phone book.

I just love Bowie. I think he's the ultimate inventor.

Lady Gaga is proof that David Bowie raped Carol Burnett.

David Bowie's death came out of the blue, as did Prince's.

I once went through the dustbin outside David Bowie's house.

Beastie Boys and David Bowie are two of my favorite artists.

I could really sink my teeth into a David Bowie documentary.

Harper Lee was my David Bowie, and I feel her loss in my bones.

I think the first older artist I related to and loved was Bowie.

I'm a '70s guy at heart. I play a lot of Bowie and 10cc at home.

I guess my style is a cross between David Bowie and Clint Eastwood.

I listen to a lot of old music, like Joni Mitchell and David Bowie.

Bowie's a real man, and I'm a real woman - just like Catherine Deneuve.

There are a handful of music docs I'd love to do, including David Bowie.

David Bowie was awesome the easiest, coolest interview I have ever done.

I hated most music in the 1970s, especially disco, but Bowie was edgier.

This is a mad planet," David Bowie said in 1971. "It's doomed to madness.

David Bowie has always been my vocal inspiration ever since I was a child.

Being in love, as both Plato and David Bowie have pointed out, is horrible.

My mum and dad are massive Bowie fans, so I grew up listening to his music.

Without David Bowie, popular music as we know it pretty much wouldn't exist.

I think the best artists are the ones who constantly change - Madonna, Bowie.

Berlin inspired Bowie and stirred him to write about real, important matters.

It made the most sense for us to select Sam Bowie. It was almost a no-brainer.

I make an all right Bowie. Actually, I look more like Cilla Black with that wig.

David Bowie, for me, was the butchest guy in town. Jagger was like a truck driver.

Bowie is just a persona. He's a singer, an entertainer. David Jones is a man I met.

As I always said: I fell in with David Jones. I did not fall in love with David Bowie.

David Bowie and Boy George created a safely contained theatrical expression of gay style.

I grew up as a kid looking at artists like David Bowie and Prince; I really admired them.

The extremes of who I'd love to be onstage are David Bowie, Prince, and, I don't know, Bjork.

David Bowie is such a big influence to me. Everything about him as a person is intriguing to me.

David Bowie's my favorite musician. I love him above all, but I'm really into rap a lot right now.

Bowie is a musician, but he works like a painter. Thom always thought that we should aspire to that.

My style icon has always been David Bowie. Just because of the variety of images and looks he created.

I have two sons, and at 16, they were into Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, and a lot of British rock.

I do not use the word 'genius' lightly, but if David Bowie is not a genius, then there is no such thing.

A lot of my male vocal influences are British - people like David Bowie, Freddie Mercury and Robert Plant.

The press will naturally come and go as it has done with all artists, from David Bowie to Neil Young to U2.

I love many of the rock and rollers next up on altar of actuarial sacrifice more than I ever loved David Bowie.

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