Breakdowns come, and breakdowns go.

I was born with a nervous breakdown.

I had a breakdown after making 'Atonement.'

Everything was fabulous, even our breakdowns.

There is no breakthrough without a breakdown.

I wasn't really an old-time breakdown fiddler.

To be ill adjusted to a deranged world is not a breakdown.

And revolutions always mean the breakdown of old authority.

The financial costs of family breakdown are incredibly high.

Family breakdown is blighting the lives of far too many children.

I love Mariah Carey. Remember the breakdown? I loved the breakdown.

Every god is a jealous god after the breakdown of the bicameral mind.

War is not the continuation of policy. It is the breakdown of policy.

You're heading for a breakdown. Why don't you pull yourself to pieces?

I have been to hell and back. I had a very, very bad nervous breakdown.

I was so devastated by my second divorce that I had a nervous breakdown.

Your best is whatever you can do comfortably without having a breakdown.

A baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown divided into nine innings.

Instead of me having a breakdown, I'm focusing on me having a breakthrough.

I have probably been very close to a complete breakdown on numerous occasions.

My mom had the breakdown for the family, and I went into therapy for all of us.

Coaching in the NBA is not easy. It's like a nervous breakdown with a paycheck.

I can't properly explain it, but I don't mind admitting I suffered a breakdown.

The breakdown of the American family's having a disastrous impact on our economy.

Gym is a center of capitalist breakdown, and everything is focused on the individual.

No one is to blame for the breakdown in trust between politics, media and the public.

I would like to see the breakdown of the binary way of looking at gender and sexuality.

I'd have a nervous breakdown except that I've been through this too many times to be nervous.

With a suit, even if you're having a nervous breakdown, you still look like you're in charge.

Neither Neil Armstrong nor Michael Collins had a mental breakdown after returning from the moon.

I always felt that anorexia was the form of breakdown most readily available to adolescent girls.

If a casting breakdown said 'All-American Type' or 'Lead Role,' I knew they weren't thinking of me.

Sometimes travelling really intensely for a long time is like having a continuous nervous breakdown.

In essence, the tragedy of the Warsaw Rising resulted from a systemic breakdown of the Grand Alliance.

I learned that most people buy based on emotion, not on a rational breakdown of the product or service.

It's unthinkable not to love - you'd have a severe nervous breakdown. Or you'd have to be Philip Larkin.

The wider public is clueless about the social breakdown in high-crime areas and its effect on street life.

Revolutionaries were depressed and close to emotional breakdown; after the failure, they left successively.

One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important.

Get a composter and let nature breakdown your compostable trash and use the remains as mulch for your plants.

On the other hand, I believe there's hope, because the breakdown and the repair are happening simultaneously.

When Mom had her first nervous breakdown, she said she had a vision of Christ coming to her in the living room.

I have a shrink in New York and a shrink in Arizona, just in case. You never know when you will have a breakdown.

The first thing you do when you get off tour is let off some steam and, you know, have some type of big breakdown.

Some girls love to go to the airport and have 50 paparazzi on them. I go to the airport and have a mental breakdown.

I was certainly open for something being on the edge of a nervous breakdown, perplexed by my own sexuality. I was gay.

I believe in work, hard work, and long hours of work. Men do not breakdown from overwork, but from worry and dissipation.

'Communication Breakdown' - it was punchy and direct, with a real attitude that was different to other bands going around.

I'm a neurotic Jew who doesn't want loans. I can't even carry a balance on my credit card without having a nervous breakdown.

If you see yourself in the paper every day and people keep talking about you, you will have a little breakdown in yourself, too.

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