There is definitely a trend of broadening the idea of who a gamer is.

Puberty for a girl is like floating down a broadening river into an open sea.

Travel, instead of broadening the mind, often merely lengthens the conversation.

Too often travel, instead of broadening the mind, merely lengthens the conversation.

Travel is an exercise partly in broadening yourself and partly in defining your own limits.

Popular culture has become engorged, broadening and thickening until it's the only culture anyone notices.

Extensive traveling induces a feeling of encapsulation, and travel, so broadening at first, contracts the mind.

Broadening and deepening the relationship with our users and advertisers have always been our strategic priority.

I think for a while, a lot of artists were doing great things that... were broadening the audience so that country was cool.

I would love for 'Hedwig' to be in every tiny shopping mall so every freakish kid like I was can have a broadening experience.

Books by women, people of color, LGBTQ authors, differently abled people, and non-Americans are a great way of broadening horizons and building empathy.

Preparing foods from other Jewish communities is broadening. It's interesting to sample the foods of other Jewish communities and see what they developed.

If you do not feel yourself growing in your work and your life broadening and deepening, if your task is not a perpetual tonic to you, you have not found your place.

You cannot, in human experience, rush into the light. You have to go through the twilight into the broadening day before the noon comes and the full sun is upon the landscape.

Conversion is an enlarging, a deepening, and a broadening of the undergirding base of testimony. It is the result of revelation from God, accompanied by individual repentance, obedience, and diligence.

Instead of constantly enhancing the norm - forever upping the ante of the 'normal' with new technologies - we should work on enhancing the concept of normal by broadening appreciation of anatomical variation.

If you're part of the Network Generation, you don't have to belong just to one nation. Dual identities come easily to these dual screeners. They fear a separate Scotland would be a narrowing, not a broadening, experience.

The acquisition of Vettery accelerates the development of the Adecco Group's digital strategy, broadening our offering into the fast-growing digital permanent recruitment market and complementing our professional recruitment businesses.

As fandom grew more variegated, genzines reflected a broadening of interests, carrying personal columns of humor and reflection, science articles, amateur fiction, stylish gossip, and inevitably, thoughtful pieces on the future of fandom.

On the monetization front, our strengthening leadership in internet user base and broadening reach of our platform have already positioned us as a must-buy platform in online video for brand advertisers to reach a nationwide audience within China.

I believe Forbes is an important outlet for broadening environmental journalism beyond the overwhelmingly alarmist approach taken by most reporters, and look forward to contributing heterodoxical pieces on energy and the environment in the future.

The only compensation, gained through the influence of nongovernmental organizations, consisted in slightly broadening for private individuals the possibility of access and appeal to the agencies enforcing the Covenant concerned with civil and political rights.

But what does interest me is the notion that if you do a lot of work it means there's a potential for other people to understand that a lot of things are possible with a sustained effort and that the broadening of experiences is possible and I think that's all art can be.

Of course, there is no question that Libya - and the world - will be better off with Gaddafi out of power. I, along with many other world leaders, have embraced that goal, and will actively pursue it through non-military means. But broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake.

A painter tries to convey to us a picture of the world as he sees it; an ophthalmologist tries to enable us to see the world as it really is. The logotherapist's role consists of widening and broadening the visual field of the patient so that the whole spectrum of potential meaning becomes conscious and visible to him.

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