I'm scared of high buildings.

My buildings are all on budget.

Buildings are forms of performances.

Opera is too obsessed with buildings.

Light is what gives joy to buildings.

My buildings are more famous than me.

I try firstly to make buildings humane.

I love buildings that aren't purpose-built.

I did not want to do stereotypical buildings.

And exciting buildings are fine periodically.

Buildings, too, are children of Earth and Sun.

We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.

Why, I just shake the buildings out of my sleeves.

Buildings are always better than drawings and models.

Architecture is about public space held by buildings.

Recycling old buildings to show art is very important.

Buildings should serve people, not the other way around.

Don't say 'the White House wants.' Buildings can't want.

I renovate homes and buildings and residences in Detroit.

Every one of my buildings begins with an Italian journey.

My mother and I took over abandoned buildings to sleep in.

What the people are within, the buildings express without.

I base jumped off one of the highest buildings in the world.

I wanted to experience New York, to look up and see buildings.

My buildings are like my children, so I cannot have favorites.

New York's buildings must be cleaner and more energy-efficient.

In Manchester, you don't have proper tall buildings. Or in Munich.

The English truly understand the dynamic between buildings and land.

I have designed the most buildings of any living American architect.

Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves.

I cannot look at modern buildings without thinking of historical ones.

There are plenty of ruined buildings in the world but no ruined stones.

The horrific damage of 9/11 did not end when those buildings came down.

I happen to love buildings, and my passion is bringing people together.

Trump is a real estate guy who sucks up to power to get buildings built.

A cricket ground is a flat piece of earth with some buildings around it.

You can't create a monster, then whine when it stomps on a few buildings.

My buildings don't speak in words but by means of their own spaciousness.

Ever since I was two, I've loved octopuses, monsters, abandoned buildings.

Buildings are 'humane' only when they promote peaceful human co-existence.

I always think of buildings in their settings, but so do other architects.

Often the art in New York is related to the buildings, to grandiose things.

I'm in love with corrugated iron buildings, especially chapels and churches.

I love the streets of Kolkata, and I admire the old architectural buildings.

I personally will never forget that people are more important than buildings.

In Japan, there is less a culture of preserving old buildings than in Europe.

My buildings will be my legacy... they will speak for me long after I'm gone.

There's no worse feeling than seeing my buildings and realizing the mistakes.

My first buildings, when I was about 30, were rejected for aesthetic reasons.

In Los Angeles, by the time you're 35, you're older than most of the buildings.

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