Calculation never made a hero.

Chess is 99 percent calculation.

Common sense is calculation applied to life.

Virtue by calculation is the virtue of vice.

Death is the surest calculation that can be made.

My comedy doesn't come from any calculations and studies.

The results of philanthropy are always beyond calculation.

Radiative transfer calculations I can do standing on my head.

Nowhere are our calculations more frequently upset than in war.

I base my calculation on the expectation that luck will be against me.

Probability theory is nothing but common sense reduced to calculation.

I'm not one to make calculations, I'm spontaneous and I prefer it that way.

It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.

You have no idea, how much poetry there is in the calculation of a table of logarithms!

I never wanted to be an actress. Acting wasn't in my mind. It wasn't in my calculations.

I'm trying not to pay too much attention to the rankings because calculations can distract you.

Failure is Central to engineering. Every single calculation that an engineer makes is a failure calculation.

There are no calculations in the records I make. I record as many songs as I can. Songs that I think are my best.

I am ashamed to tell you to how many figures I carried these calculations [of Pi], having no other business at the time

As history reminds us again and again, wars are not always made on the basis of rational calculations: often the contrary.

We have to choose between a global market driven only by calculations of short-term profit, and one which has a human face.

I was an engineering student and spent a lot of time in the library, and no one applauds when you finish your calculations.

I never shot much when I was a kid, but on the spotting scope, understanding the ballistics and the calculations, I'm a ten.

To make Europe more effective is a worthwhile objective. To make Europe less important in your calculations is a big mistake.

To say that AI will start doing what it wants for its own purposes is like saying a calculator will start making its own calculations.

However I am is however I am. When you see me onstage or in the press, there's not a lot of thought and calculation that goes into it.

It's true that films are made on mere calculations such as fight and item song. If the audience is lucky enough, there will be some story.

My earlier exposure to physics certainly helped me in the use of biophysical techniques like crystallography, the use of computing, calculations, etc.

It is the mark of a great man that he puts to flight all ordinary calculations. He is at once sublime and touching, childlike and of the race of giants.

This means I must pay close attention to the writing, but equally so to the scientific background - which sometimes means doing fairly involved calculations.

The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.

The minute you start making calculations about what people will think of you as a person based on your work as an actor, you're on the road to becoming a bad one.

There was a project at Lawrence Livermore National Labs where many years ago they went down this path for scripting and controlling very large numerical calculations.

I do not remember how it got into my head to make the first calculations related to rocket. It seems to me the first seeds were planted by famous fantaseour, J. Verne.

I'd rather have a pencil and paper and do all my own calculations rather than rely on a machine. And I'll do most calculations in double digit multiples as quick as the machine.

Although it's difficult, if not impossible, to put a dollar value on the numerous services nature provides, leaving them out of economic calculations means they are often ignored.

All conventional wisdom has an element of truth to it, but good design requires more than an element of truth - it requires an ensemble of correct assumptions and valid calculations.

It is very distressing that anyone would look at these matters from a political viewpoint. Core beliefs about when life begins and ends are far too important for any such calculations.

Life it is not just a series of calculations and a sum total of statistics, it's about experience, it's about participation, it is something more complex and more interesting than what is obvious.

Laboratory experiments, field observations and atmospheric modeling calculations have now established that chemical reactions occurring on PSC particles play a central role in polar ozone depletion.

My entire life consisted of musings, calculations, practical works, and trials. Many questions remain unanswered; many works are incomplete or unpublished. The most important things still lie ahead.

There are many different kinds of radioactive waste and each has its own half-life so, just to be on the safe side and to simplify matters, I base my calculations on the worst one and that's plutonium.

Top-up fees mean that universities are increasingly under pressure to confer degrees upon students, who perceive the degree as a commodity they've purchased. Failure doesn't enter into anyone's calculations.

Some years ago, I wrote a book called the Emperor's New Mind and that book was describing a point of view I had about consciousness and why it was not something that comes about from complicated calculations.

If the only way you could read an email was to run a mile first, the urge would quickly die. Human beings constantly do subconscious effort/reward calculations. Tapping a screen is the easiest of physical tasks.

I don't know whether you have done your calculations but, about two or three years back, I did a first assessment of what the first successful device would be worth and it came out at about 300 trillion dollars.

I find by my calculations, which are according to revealed inspiration, that the sword of death is now approaching us, in the shape of pestilence, war more horrible than has been known in three lifetimes, and famine.

You really have to understand this isn't a business where you sit in the back room and do calculations - you have to be very concerned about employees and customers, because that's really what's going to bring you success.

The brain's calculations do not require our conscious effort, only our attention and our openness to let the information through. Although the brain absorbs universes of information, little is admitted into normal consciousness.

Because of recent improvements in the accuracy of theoretical predictions based on large scale ab initio quantum mechanical calculations, meaningful comparisons between theoretical and experimental findings have become possible.

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