A capitalistic kibbutz is not a bad idea. You need both.

You don't have to have the capitalistic profit motive philosophy.

In a capitalistic society, success is determined by whether you can pay the bills.

Putting another human being above yourself isn't healthy. I think it's capitalistic.

All business is capitalistic. You require capital for any sort of business endeavour.

When Jesus comes back, these crazy, greedy, capitalistic men are gonna kill him again.

There's nothing wrong with being a capitalistic society, but it's taken the place of faith.

They're always saying I'm a capitalistic pig. I suppose I am. But... it's good for my drumming.

Obama is from this group that resents the private sector, resents the capitalistic means of production.

Keeping books on social aid is capitalistic nonsense. I just use the money for the poor. I can't stop to count it.

I have been skeptical, sometimes, about the importance of rap music, which I think is a capitalistic project to make money.

Some people think that as the Chinese economy becomes more and more capitalistic it will inevitably become more democratic.

From 1945 to 1974, the Western world - including America - was more socialistic than capitalistic, more pro-labor than pro-business.

Capitalistic society teaches kids to be No. 1, but true self-esteem doesn't come from money. It doesn't come from winning the Super Bowl.

Engineers don't get drafted to certain companies. That's kind of peculiar in the capitalistic ways of the United States. But that's how it is.

America was built on segregation. It's gonna stay segregated until everyone's equal, and that ain't gonna happen when it's a capitalistic society.

By giving the leadership to the private sector in a capitalistic society, we're going to measure the value of art by how many products we can sell.

I love the English way, which is not as capitalistic as it is in America. People don't talk about work and money. They talk about interesting things at dinner parties.

The more dynamic the capitalistic expansion, the greater the disparity. It is from the disparity that we are going to get all the political upheaval for the next few years.

There isn't much in the way of pure communist spirit, because the whole nation seems to be engaged in capitalistic enterprises. Much of the country still operates under government control.

If you allow for a purely capitalistic society, without any type of regulation at all, you will get one monopoly that will eat all of the smaller fish and own everything, and then you'll have zero capitalism, zero competition - it would just be one giant company.

Media is set up to give information to the people - at least that's what it says. But we all know in the U.S. that media is a capitalistic system, people are getting paid to write things, they have bosses and editors, and they have bosses, and they put pressure on people to write intriguing stories that catch the eye.

We must be aware of consumerism! That's our tendency. It's the capitalistic curse that we were poisoned with. We should spend only what is necessary. How do you call the big cars, the latest ones? Hummer! Not a single dollar to import Hummers! What is that? What is that? What kind of revolution is this? One of Hummers? No way!

When an industry matures, it means it's not advancing, and of course the jobs go overseas. That's the obligation of the multi-national corporation: to put the factory where it can make the widget as cheap as possible. Don't get angry when a corporation does that; we've all bought into this concept. We live in a capitalistic society.

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