I can say that I never knew what joy was like until I gave up ...

I can say that I never knew what joy was like until I gave up pursuing happiness, or cared to live until I chose to die. For these two discoveries I am beholden to Jesus.

I never cared about money.

I never cared a lot for school.

I never cared what kind of grade I got.

All I cared about in tennis was winning.

I never cared what anyone thought about me.

For eight years, all I cared about was track.

I never really cared about what I looked like.

I never cared for stuff like the All-Star Game.

Even if nobody cared, I'm still gonna make music.

Through the '80s, nobody cared about Johnny Cash.

That's all I cared about too, was getting it right.

I've been on a lot of shows that nobody cared about.

Boris Johnson has only ever cared about Boris Johnson.

The only prize much cared for by the powerful is power.

I don't know if I've ever cared much what others think.

The truth is that I never cared about money. Not one bit.

I never cared about modeling. As a model, you're powerless.

When I was younger I cared more about the position I batted.

I have cared so much and so little about the cars I've owned.

Throughout his life, Dickens cared passionately about orphans.

I've never cared for the character I generally played in films.

When I was in secondary school, I cared about nothing but music.

I've always cared that you're comfortable in what you're wearing.

I cared enough to read and look at and worry about the questions.

All I ever cared about was actors - toughest job in this business.

Cuz I was never pretty anyway and never cared anything about that.

Nobody cared about swimming. You could draw a crowd for basketball.

The only thing I have ever really cared to be known as is a musician.

I'd occasionally do some exercises at home, but I never cared for gyms.

Many people have this image of me. For a long time, I cared about that.

I never heard 'I love you' as a child. I never felt pretty or cared for.

The God's truth: I never much cared for Tebow when he played at Florida.

As a kid, I was a Hitchcock lover; I cared about the dark side of things.

If I get a gig or I don't get a gig, I really have never, ever, ever cared.

I was never the kind of person who cared much what people thought about me.

If we cared about safer streets, we'd build the wall and secure the border.

I cared too much about people liking me because I didn't like myself enough.

We were always surrounded by people who knew us very well and cared about us.

Film, if properly cared for, will last almost 100 years, but digital will not.

I would like to be remembered as somebody who cared a great deal about people.

Tony knew me both as an athlete and as a person. He cared for me like a father.

I love women. I've always cared about making movies about women my entire career.

Back in Chicago, all we cared about was rock 'n' roll and staying out of the army.

My mother cared more about how you reasoned than about the conclusions you reached.

You had to read what I wrote if you lived in L.A. in 1975 and cared about pop music.

Every great culture has cared a lot, one way or another, about the fate of its girls.

If God existed, and if He cared for humankind, He would never have given us religion.

It would be nice if every state were like New Mexico and cared about the Indian vote.

Growing up without love, without being cared for, might be the worst type of poverty.

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