An axe at home saves hiring a carpenter.

I love everything John Carpenters ever done.

I love everything John Carpenter's ever done.

As I mentioned, I was a carpenter for a time.

No-one has ever sung quite so beautifully as Karen Carpenter.

My mother was a seamstress, my father an itinerant carpenter.

I was a carpenter for a time and everybody watches what you do.

I do think a carpenter needs a good hammer to bang in the nail.

I like John Carpenter. I like some of his films more than others

I like John Carpenter. I like some of his films more than others.

I like all of John Carpenter's movies. 'The Thing' is my favorite.

In a world where carpenters get resurrected, everything is possible.

The carpenter is not the best who makes more chips than all the rest.

I got fed up with academia and decided I would rather be a carpenter.

A jackass can kick a barn down, but it takes a carpenter to build one.

I like the countryside. I like chopping wood. I'd like to be a carpenter.

I'm a practical person. I'm not too bad a carpenter. I can renovate houses.

All of the John Carpenter movies scared the crap out of me when I was a kid.

Certain remakes are great. Carpenter's The Thing is better than the original.

Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a good carpenter to build one.

John Carpenter had a lot to do with putting social messages into genre movies.

By a Carpenter mankind was made, and only by that Carpenter can mankind be remade.

Los Angeles is peopled by waiters and carpenters and drivers who are there to be actors.

Karen Carpenter was just a singularly amazing singer. There was just not anybody like her.

A lot of my friends are people who do horror films: Wes Craven, John Carpenter, Stephen King.

Where I'm from, you go to college, become a carpenter or something, and stay in the district.

I like making things. I have a wood shop at home. I am a terrible carpenter but I love doing it.

I think I have more in common with a carpenter than you might think. We're putting things together.

As for action movies, I did Tarzan, and I'm also about to shoot Meltdown, which John Carpenter wrote.

If I had to pick one scary movie, I'd go with John Carpenter's 'The Thing.' That's probably number one.

How it happened that Mastro Cherry, carpenter, found a piece of wood that wept and laughed like a child.

I insist that the object of all true education is not to make men carpenters, it is to make carpenters men.

My dad was a carpenter and I would work with him during the summer and umpire on the nights I wasn't playing.

I grew up in Southampton. My mum was a shop assistant; my dad was a carpenter. They broke up when I was eight.

I come from an ordinary family - my dad is a carpenter, a roof-maker - and we've always loved racing together.

I like serious films, the moneymaking blockbusters that don't make any kind of sense and John Carpenter films.

I absolutely love working with David Boreanaz, and Charisma Carpenter I completely adore - she teaches me to dance.

I worked as a truck driver, carpenter's assistant, doing whatever it took to keep bread on the table for the family.

My father is a very skilled carpenter. He can do just about anything with his hands. He is very artistic with his carpentry.

Only in a nation like ours could someone like me, the scrappy son of a simple carpenter, grow up to become a simple senator.

I love Mary Chapin Carpenter songs. I love her songs 'Come On, Come On' and 'I Am A Town', they're two of my favorite songs.

I loved, in 'Starman', the use of anamorphic lenses, the creation of blue light, and Carpenter's use of the widescreen format.

You don't need a college degree to be a good carpenter, welder, plumber, auto mechanic, member of the armed forces, or firefighter.

I have a brother who's a schoolteacher, a sister who's a graphic artist, a brother who is a lawyer. I have a brother who's a carpenter.

When I was a carpenter, I built sets for small storefront Chicago companies. Like, I built sets for friends of mine at The House Theater.

'Raiders of the Lost Ark' made me want to make films. I am wild about the films of John Carpenter, Ridley Scott, Howard Hawks and Sam Peckinpah.

To be a carpenter or a builder or a home inspector, you have to have that kind of visual brain where you can sort of imagine something taken apart.

I worked as a carpenter for a few years. I began writing. I wrote a book about my time in Africa - that came out in 1988 - called 'The Village of Waiting.'

My job the same as carpenter. What kind of house you want to build? What kind of food you want to make? You think your ingredients, your structure. Simple.

When I read for 'Girls,' I was like, 'The script says 'Handsome Carpenter,' so someone else is going to get the part. They'll have someone handsome, not me.'

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