For me, life is a bowl of cherries.

Well, he had two stabs at the cherry

No one wants a cherry pie that bites back.

pretty please, with a cherry on top of me!

There is no stranger under the cherry tree.

We'll take the cake with the red cherry on top.

You can't serve up hearts like cherries jubilee.

You can't pick cherries with your back to the tree.

If I had the knack I'd sing like Cherry flakes falling

I know that living with me was not a bowl of cherries.

If Life is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits?

Slushes. Do you know how much I love those? Cherry, especially.

Life is not a bowl full of cherries, there's good and bad stuff.

The cherries' only fault: the crowds that gather when they bloom

She got the way to move me, Cherry, she got the way to groove me.

Between our two lives there is also the life of the cherry blossom.

Experience is devoid of the cherry-picking that we find in studies.

We still have to put some cherry syrup on it, and then we can eat it

One must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste.

A relationship isn't going to make me survive. It's the cherry on top.

When better cherries are not to be had, We needs must take the seeming best of bad.

Sweet Washington cherries and Walla Walla onions are two of my favorite local treats.

There is money to be made in the market place, but under the cherry tree there is rest.

Razo knew he was best at nothing, except maybe cramming two cherries into a single nostril.

The greedy one gathered all the cherries, while the simple one tasted all the cherries in one.

I always like to serve the people some good soul music, and Christmas was just the cherry on top.

Disgraces are like cherries, one drawes another. [Disgraces are like cherries, one draws another.]

I'd sacrificed true love and a popped cherry to the god of deception and hormones." - Zoey Redbird (Ch 24)

Looking about I see no cherry blossoms And no crimson leaves A straw-thatched hut by a bay In the autumn dusk.

Ellen Cherry was from the south and had good manners. She didn´t have any panties on, but she had good manners.

I value my garden more for being full of blackbirds than of cherries, and very frankly give them fruit for their songs.

Jack shook his head. "Not one of my many talents, sadly. But if you have a cherry stem I can show you a really cool one.

I don't know why I love cherries and I love pickles. I eat about two or three Claussen pickles a day. Those are just things I snack on.

My grandparents owned an apple orchard when I was growing up - a lot of apples, cherries... now, actually, a lot of grapes, too, to be honest.

Monterey was the Maraschino cherry on top of the Sundae that was the '60s. It was totally unprecedented, and the audience was unprecedented in their joy.

Most of those who make collections of verse or epigram are like men eating cherries or oysters: they choose out the best at first, and end by eating all.

Science is not there for you to cherry pick ... You can decide whether or not to believe in it but that doesn’t change the reality of an emergent scientific truth.

Life is not all a bowl of cherries. There are days when you aren't going to feel up to par. And it's healthy to see it in yourself and to ask, 'Hey, what's going on?'

Tart cherries lower the levels of inflammation in the body, which may be particularly useful for those who suffer from gout. They have also been used to improve sleep.

Studies on cherries, raspberries and strawberries suggest that most of their nutrition is retained when they're frozen, so it's a good idea to keep some in the freezer.

To me, beauty is confidence. I think beauty comes from one's confident inner self and attitude. Make-up and styling are the cherries on top of your beautiful inner-self!

Life is just a bowl of cherries, don't take it serious, its mysterious. Life is just a bowl of cherries, so live and laugh and laugh at love, love a laugh, laugh and love.

The notion is called wabi-sabi life, like the cherry blossom, it is beautiful because of its impermanence, not in spite of it, more exquisite for the inevitability of loss.

Hopefully, if not it's not working right. I'm like a navigator and I try to encourage our collaboration and find the best way that will produce fruit. I like fruit. I like cherries, I like bananas.

My family makes these vinegars - out of everything from grapes to peaches and cherries. We go through the whole process with the giant vat and drainer, label them, and give them as Christmas presents.

[Operation] Rockingham was spinning reports and emphasizing reports that showed non-compliance (by Iraq with UN inspections) and quashing those which showed compliance. It was cherry-picking intelligence.

Rather than writing about my experiences with other people, 'Ugly Cherries' is the first song I've ever written about myself. It's a confrontation: an attempt to unpack my own queerness with humor and self care.

Over the years I've tweaked my stuffing recipe many times, adding a variety of ingredients like sauteed wild mushrooms, dried cherries, fresh chevre, toasted hazelnuts, chopped ham hock meat, and other taste treats.

Summer in Seattle allows me to indulge in some of the region's top culinary delights - I'm talking about wild king salmon and fresh, ripe Washington stone fruits and berries like cherries, peaches, plums, and blueberries.

When I was a kid growing up, we had a cherry tree in the backyard, 100 years old. I climbed it, and it gave shade in the summertime and excellent cherries in the late summer. Having cherry blossoms around gives the best springtime vibe ever.

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