Watching the season for me is about watching the chess matches.

There's no luck involved in chess. You just have to work at it.

I played tournament chess from fifth grade up into high school.

Amberley excelled at chess - a mark, Watson, of a scheming mind.

That's chess!" snapped Ron. "You've got to make some sacrifices!

Before a match, I do not follow any chess news except the games.

Your only task in the opening is to reach a playable middlegame.

For us chess players the language of artist is something natural.

I was world champion. For me, chess is my life. It is everything.

Diplomacy is a game of chess in which the nations are checkmated.

Fischer wanted to give the Russians a taste of their own medicine

Litigation is the pursuit of practical ends, not a game of chess.

For a game it is too serious, for seriousness too much of a game.

Even the laziest King flees wildly in the face of a double check!

Yes, I have played a blitz game once. It was on a train, in 1929.

Fischer is the greatest genius to descend from the chess heavens.

Never play for the win, never play for the draw, just play chess!

Mistrust is the most necessary characteristic of the Chess player

For me, baseball is more comparable to chess than it is to hockey.

A knowledge of combinations is the foundation of positional chess.

My freshman year of high school I joined the chess and math clubs.

In a gambit you give up a Pawn for the sake of getting a lost game

When you see a good move, sit on your hands and find a better one.

I could think six shots ahead. It's no different to playing chess.

Tournament chess is not relaxing. It's stressful, even if you win.

The National League game is chess; The American League is checkers.

These young guys are playing checkers. I'm out there playing chess.

Chess and me, it's hard to take them apart. It's like my alter ego.

Chess isn't a game of speed, it is a game of speech through actions

My sister bought me a set at a candy store and taught me the moves.

Believe firmly that in chess there are no rules without exceptions.

The very idea of how chess players manipulate their game excites me.

For every door the computers have closed they have opened a new one.

Chess, like mathematics and music, is a nursery for child prodigies.

Only a good bishop can be sacrificed, a bad bishop can only be lost.

Chess can be described as the movement of pieces eating one another.

Dazzling combinations are for the many, shifting wood is for the few

The pitcher setting up the batter. It's chess, and you play with it.

As one by one I mowed them down, my superiority soon became apparent

Fischer is an American Chess tragedy on par with Morphy and Pillsbury

Diabetes is passed that way -- over and down, like a knight in chess.

The endgame is an arena in which miraculous escapes are not uncommon.

I have found after 1.d4 there are more opportunities for richer play.

I guess a certain amount of temperament is expected of Chess geniuses

Chess is an effective means to educate and train the human intellect.

Far from all of the obvious moves that go without saying are correct.

Go is to Western chess what philosophy is to double-entry accounting.

If trading is like chess, then macro is like three-dimensional chess.

Nowadays, when you're not a grandmaster at 14, you can forget about it

When you absolutely don't know what to do anymore, it is time to panic

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