Everything is in a state of flux, and this includes the world of Chess

Chess demolishes differences. It's a language of different generations.

Poor people are too stupid to know they're just chess pieces in a game.

Everything that Marvel does, it's a chess move. Nothing is by accident.

Each life is a game of chess that went to hell on the seventh move(...)

There are fixed rules in chess, and no one knows how the game will end.

After white's reply to 1.e4 e5 with 2.f4 the game is in its last throes

While all artists are not chess players, all chess players are artists.

Many have become chess masters - no one has become the master of chess.

To improve at chess you should in the first instance study the endgame.

In poker, you want to play the weaker guys. In chess, it's the opposite.

There is only one thing Fischer does in Chess without pleasure: to lose!

Drawn games are sometimes more scintillating than any conclusive contest.

My opponent left a glass of whisky 'en prise' and I took it 'en passant'.

Chess is changing. I hope chess is getting more popular, more spectacular.

My younger brother ended up the British chess champion 10 times, a record.

If people will be interested in me, they will be interested in chess also.

Campo, as everyone in chess recognized, had a 2600 rating as a politician.

Chess mastery essentially consists of analyzing Chess positions accurately

If the media didn't know I played chess, there'd be no angle on me at all.

The only positive contribution to chess from Fischer in the last 20 years.

In complicated positions, Bobby Fischer hardly had to be afraid of anybody

No one has ever played these endgames with such elegant ease as Capablanca.

Ridicule can do much, for instance embitter the existence of young talents.

Life is a chess match. Every decision that you make has a consequence to it.

... though combinations are without number, the number of ideas are limited.

Leonard Chess passed, and that was the end of the Chess label for that time.

Chess-players are so unsociable, they are no company for any but themselves.

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.

I don't like politics especially in chess. All I want is promote chess 24/7.

It is said that an ounce of common sense can outweigh a ton of 'variations'.

People are governed with the head; kindness of heart is little use in chess.

A lot of people see a future where you could make a living as a chess player.

A win by an unsound combination, however showy, fills me with artistic horror

Be warned! From Satan's viewpoint you are a pawn in his game of cosmic chess.

Chess is difficult, it demands work, serious reflection and zealous research.

It's true that in chess as in politics, fund-raising and glad-handing matter.

A pawn, when separated from his fellows, will seldom or never make a fortune.

There is nothing that disgusts a man like getting beaten at chess by a woman.

Avoidance of mistakes is the beginning, as it is the end, of mastery in chess.

A draw can be obtained not only by repeating moves, but also by one weak move.

Combinations with a queen sacrifice are among the most striking and memorable.

The placing of the centre pawns determines the "topography" of a game of chess.

Fischer, who may or may not be mad as a hatter, has every right to be horrified

I also follow chess on the Internet, where Kasparov's site is very interesting.

No Chess Grandmaster is normal; they only differ in the extent of their madness

An innovation need not be especially ingenious, but it must be well worked out.

In boxing you create a strategy to beat each new opponent, it's just like chess.

For me, learning chess was natural; with my sisters around me, I wanted to play.

I feel that my chess strengths are still here, .. I believe I can still improve.

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