Let the perfectionist play postal.

I look one move ahead... the best!

There's no one alive I can't beat.

When I was eleven, I just got good.

Chess is not a game, but a disease.

Chess is the gymnasium of the mind.

Be a harsh critic of your own wins.

Chess is a fathead and feudal game.

You are never too old to play chess!

Robert Fischer is a law unto himself

The Russians have fixed world chess.

Chess is a matter of daily training.

Why are most chess masters under 30?

I'd rather have a Pawn than a finger

Chess is the touchstone of intellect.

Chess is not only knowledge and logic

Chess was Capablanca's mother tongue.

Chess is a miniature version of life.

Chess is so deep, I simply feel lost.

Man, jiu-jitsu is such a chess match.

My God, Bobby Fischer plays so simply

Chess is not only knowledge and logic.

All I want to do, ever, is play chess.

There just isn't enough televised Chess

A game is always won through a mistake.

Chess is a fairy tale of 1001 blunders.

In life, as in chess, forethought wins.

Chess makes man wiser and clear-sighted.

I add status to any tournament I attend.

Chess and theatre often lead to madness.

Some part of a mistake is always correct

A knight ending is really a pawn ending.

Now I have the pawn and the compensation.

A chess tournament disguised as a circus.

All I ever want to do is just play chess.

Let's play. I'm willing to play anywhere.

I often play a move I know how to refute.

I don't play chess with my life, ya' know.

Chess will always be the master of us all.

No fool can play chess, and only fools do.

Chess is an art and not a spectator sport.

The mistakes are there, waiting to be made

Computers have changed the world of chess.

Poets do not go mad, but chess players do.

Chess is a good mistress but a bad master.

Spassky will not be psyched out by Fischer

Chess is my life, but my life is not chess.

The best initial move for white is 1. P-K4.

A sacrifice is best refuted by accepting it

Fame, I have already. Now I need the money.

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