The only thing Chess players have in common is Chess.

The essence of Chess is thinking about what Chess is.

Chess is the art which expresses the science of logic.

Pawns are born free, yet they are everywhere in chains

My style is somewhere between that of Tal and Petrosian

Chess is a game which reflects most honor on human wit.

Bobby Fischer is the greatest Chess genius of all time!

An isolated pawn spreads gloom all over the chessboard.

Those who say they understand Chess, understand nothing

We are as pieces of chess engaged in victory and defeat!

The isolated Pawn casts gloom over the entire chessboard

The first essential for an attack is the will to attack.

In chess, bigamy is acceptable but monarchy is absolute.

The way he plays Chess demonstrates a man's whole nature

No, I've never had a job other than being a chess player.

The young people have read my book. Now I have no chance.

The winner is the one who makes the next-to-last mistake.

A lifetime in not enough to learn everything about chess.

Play on both sides of the board is my favourite strategy.

I'll take my five positions per second any day, thank you

Chess is eminently and emphatically the philospher's game.

A chess problem is simply an exercise in pure mathematics.

The legend of the best player of chess has been destroyed.

Patience is the most valuable trait of the endgame player.

I like 1.e4 very much, but my results are better with 1.d4.

Only the player with the initiative has the right to attack

Golf is the loneliest of games, not excluding postal chess.

A chess player never has a heart attack in a good position.

I consider myself to be a genius who happens to play chess.

Heaven knows, we all make mistakes. That's life - and chess.

The playoffs are a chess match, with adjustments every game.

Which do I prefer? Sex or chess? It depends on the position.

Chess is ruthless: you've got to be prepared to kill people.

Chess, like other arts, must be practiced to be appreciated.

A plan is made for a few moves only, not for the whole game.

White has no positional equivalent for the centralized pawn.

Touch the pawns before your king with only infinite delicacy.

It's quite difficult for me to imagine my life without chess.

It's a shame to be the face of chess and to play chess badly.

I'm like Bush, I see the world more like checkers than chess.

All conceptions in the game of chess have a geometrical basis.

I play chess badly and I've been beaten by my 10-year old son.

You can't win the chess match if you don't have enough pieces.

Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make men happy.

I always urge players to study composed problems and endgames.

Whoever called snooker 'chess with balls' was rude, but right.

Before Geller we did not understand the King's Indian Defence.

Nowadays tournaments are for nurseries. Look at those kiddies.

The pupil wants not so much to learn, as to learn how to learn.

Chess is life in miniature. Chess is struggle, chess is battles

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