I am the first female chief executive of Hong Kong.

Don't blame the marketing department. The buck stops with the chief executive.

Mr. Trump is a chief executive in the private setting of a very complex business.

I don't want to be a great chief executive without being a great mum and a great wife.

The governor is Virginia's chief executive and represents the commonwealth at all times.

Eventually, I'd like to have some sort of role like a chief executive in a football club.

I've said all along we need a chief executive, not a chief politician, in the White House.

I was the editor of the 'News of the World;' I was the editor of the 'Sun' and chief executive.

I do believe Hong Kong's 5 million eligible voters want the chance to elect their chief executive.

It's often said that the most important qualities in a chief executive are character and judgment.

I accept that responsibility and ask only that I be judged by my performance as its chief executive.

I was the chief executive once, I've been there. My recommendation to anybody is don't go backwards.

I've made no secret that although I loved being a legislator, I particularly loved being a chief executive.

If the chief executive cannot have a party background, how can she ensure her team is wholeheartedly united?

Life is very good. I'm the president and Chief Executive Officer of the Wireless trade association, the CTIA.

A tremendous chief executive in a small market will never be great. All great companies start with great markets.

It was my fortune, or misfortune, to be called to the office of Chief Executive without any previous political training.

Governance under a chief executive elected by universal suffrage will give fresh impetus to economic and livelihood policies.

I'm a former governor, and so I was the chief executive, and when the legislature wasn't in session, I was running the state.

As a chief executive determined to lead Hong Kong to new heights, I am keenly aware of the immense responsibilities on my shoulders.

As the founder and former chief executive of two publicly traded companies, I have had a great deal of exposure to how debt markets work.

When a company seeks a new chief executive officer, or a university a new vice-chancellor, enormous trouble is taken to find the best person.

As representatives, we are accountable first not to our party, not to our leadership, not to the chief executive, but just to our constituents.

My feeling about executive bonuses is that any candidate for a chief executive job who even raises the issue of bonuses should be dismissed out of hand.

If I paid more attention to my appearance, people might think that the proficiency of design industry isn't too bad in a city with such a chief executive.

William Henry Harrison, who died of pneumonia in April of 1841, after only one month in office, was the first Chief Executive to hide his physical frailties.

I am honoured to be appointed as the first chief executive of UKRI. My ambition is to make UKRI the world's leading research and innovation public funding agency.

To say that I'm going to veto something that I haven't read is just - or sign something that I haven't read - I don't think is good policy for any chief executive.

I was 25 when I was made director of marketing at 'Newsweek.' I was 29 when I was made chief executive officer of Kaplan Educational Centers. I was raised to be confident.

We are all focused each and every day on doing our jobs, chief executive of our states, until the very last hour that we are in office, and certainly the president is as well.

I remember the chief executive at Southampton after Nicola Cortese thanking me for the platform I left them. That recognition is always nice. That's like winning a trophy for me.

Those who care about constitutional development should look beyond universal suffrage for the chief executive election and turn their sights to universal suffrage for Legco as well.

The salary of the chief executive of a large corporation is not a market award for achievement. It is frequently in the nature of a warm personal gesture by the individual to himself.

Pro football was taking off when I became commissioner, and when a sport's successful and you're its chief executive officer, much of the credit flows to you and you develop a good track record.

It is not often that one of the world's best entrepreneurs rings you up and says 'I've got this business we are about to float off as an independent company and we'd like you to be chief executive.'

We have parliamentary democracy. It is the prime minister who runs the show, who is the chief executive of the country. The president must have powers defined under the 1973 constitution, nothing more.

The mayor of New York is the chief executive of the city. It is a complex organization and it requires the requisite skills to understand how to be the leader of the people and manage the government of N.Y.

You hire a chief executive, pay him, and hold him accountable after a year or two. The time for so-called honorary jobs is over. What Pakistan squash needs is results, and that can only be achieved by professionals.

My view is that the signing of players should be a simple process. The chief scout identifies them, the manager decides who he wants, and the chief executive is dispatched to do the deal. It really is as simple as that.

With universal suffrage, every chief executive candidate must face the seven million people of Hong Kong, explain his or her political platform and mission, and win over the people by addressing their interests and concerns.

It is by these, the people, that I have been clothed with the high powers which they have seen fit to confide to their Chief Executive, and been charged with the solemn responsibility under which those powers are to be exercised.

Naturally, the president, as a US citizen, cannot be removed from the country. Nor can the president, who is the country's chief executive, be restricted from access to classified information or provided with falsified information.

A president who believed that America's greatness is recoverable and expandable - a chief executive determined to lead us back to national restoration - would reject the crippling notions of national impotency that Obama has embraced.

Abby Johnson has agreed to become Chief Executive Officer of Fidelity, reflecting a further step forward in our leadership succession plan. Abby will retain her role of President, and I will continue to serve as Chairman of the Board.

A lot of what I do is running businesses rather than buying stocks. My worst decision is probably when I know I have the wrong chief executive running the business, and I keep on waiting to make the difficult decision of replacing him.

A market where chief executive officers make 262 times that of the average worker and 821 times that of the minimum-wage worker is not a market that is working well. And it is surely not working well enough to build a solid middle class.

I don't think I was a control freak. I just couldn't get my head around things. When I joined Sheffield United I was told I had £5m to spend, then when I went to see the chief executive he told me if I didn't raise £350,000 no one was getting paid.

When you give chief executives too much compensation in stock options, they concentrate too much on the stock price, and there is a perverse incentive to raise the stock price, particularly when the chief executive wants to exercise his own options.

Business chief executive officers and their boards succumb to the pressures of the financial markets and their fears of takeovers and pour out their energies to produce quarterly earnings - at the expense of building their companies for the long term.

In the fall of the year 2000, there just happened to be a decision point when they asked me to become Chief Executive Officer of the company. It was a time when, as you remember, we were starting to have some real problems in the California energy markets.

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