It’s very difficult to trace convicted paedophiles

We have paid the police for information in the past.

Any affair, by its very nature, is quite dysfunctional.

It's impossible for an editor to know every source for every story.

The days of foot-in-the-door harassment and snatched photos are gone.

The quality of our journalism will make or break our industry, not the recession.

Sometimes I suspect most of the media commentariat are suffering from Munchausen syndrome.

I was the editor of the News of the World; I was the editor of the Sun and chief executive.

I was the editor of the 'News of the World;' I was the editor of the 'Sun' and chief executive.

I'd never compromise my position as a journalist by having a friendly relationship with a politician.

I have never paid a policeman myself. I have never sanctioned, knowingly sanctioned, a payment to a police officer.

In a highly competitive newspaper market, every editor needs to appeal to female readers to boost their circulation.

'The Sun' had a good relationship with Frank Bruno. We did lots of interviews. He was a great character, very friendly to the media.

I am incredibly proud of the many journalists I have worked with throughout my career and the great campaigns that we have fought and won.

I personally made lots of mistakes during my 10-12 years as a newspaper editor. Some of which I felt were big mistakes I have tried to address.

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