I grew up in New York City, and I moved to Florida in high school.

I had gone to the High School of the Performing Arts in New York City.

I went to acting school in New York City for two years. I studied with Stella Adler.

'EIla Enchanted' began in a marvelous writing course at New York City's The New School.

I grew up in the West Village and went to the New York City Lab School for junior high.

I was on the steering committee of the New York City Coalition on Muslim School Holidays.

I grew up a little north of New York City and went to high school at Regis, an all-boys tuition-free high school in Manhattan.

And it was where I learned how to play tennis and eventually became captain of the tennis team at the school and was on the Junior Davis Cup in New York City.

When I got out of high school, I was working in restaurants in New York City, when I heard Bill Anderson from The Neighborhood Playhouse was doing private lessons. I started taking classes, and it was a lot of improv and Meisner and repetition.

I didn't make any friends in New York by insisting on moving the league headquarters to Cincinnati. The fact was that my son Bill was in school. His mother had passed away, and I didn't want to take the boy away from his school and to a strange city.

Well, first of all, I grew up in New York City, going to first a public school, then a private school, and when I got to the private school in Manhattan, I learned of what we called 'The Promised Land,' which are the Hamptons. I've always had an affinity for the Hamptons.

I dropped out of high school three days into my senior year because I hated it because New York City public school is a mess. I certainly wasn't one for sitting in a classroom. Then I went off to college to North Carolina School of the Arts, then quit that after two years.

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