I'm very claustrophobic.

I don't get claustrophobic.

Luckily, I am not at all claustrophobic.

I'm a bit claustrophobic, I know that now.

I have a fear of heights and I'm claustrophobic.

I've got to be by trees, otherwise I get claustrophobic.

I avoid subways like the plague because I'm claustrophobic.

Never say never, I find I get claustrophobic in a relationship.

I get claustrophobic in a harness. I'd be a terrible superhero.

I like stripper shoes. I like being tall because I'm claustrophobic.

Doing some of the 'Lord Of The Rings' press junkets got a bit claustrophobic.

I think I'm a very solitary person. To actually not be anonymous is a bit claustrophobic for me.

Playing the same role over and over makes me feel claustrophobic sometimes and smaller than I am.

I'm quite claustrophobic, and I don't like everyone crowding around and shouting the same questions.

It's claustrophobic, and I think it is to do with the amount that we're exposing people to one particular point.

British crime stories tend to be very internal, psychological, claustrophobic, very limited in terms of geography.

It is a strange world, Oxford - quite claustrophobic. I was often glad I was only there for eight weeks at a time.

I'm not a claustrophobe, but you don't need to be to feel claustrophobic inside an MRI. It's like being buried alive.

I'm a bit claustrophobic, I don't like crowds, I live by the sea - that's what I see when I come out of my house in Bridlington.

At first it was exhilarating but when I realized it wasn't going away, it became scary and claustrophobic. Fame is a weird thing.

I've fixed the toilet. And I've been crawling in claustrophobic places... you have to deal with that when you become a homeowner.

The thought of being in space, and kind of enclosed, I find would be very claustrophobic. I think I would panic in that situation.

There are still too many people out there who are claustrophobic. On easyCruise, we are going to open up as many cabins as we can.

I'm not very good at being domesticated. I've tried. The domestic life I find claustrophobic - the rituals and habits and patterns.

The old adage is, 'Write what you know.' But if you only do that, your work becomes claustrophobic. I say, 'Write what you want to know.'

Overall, 'Singularity' has a certain lightness to it compared to 'Immunity.' It's less closed off; it doesn't have that claustrophobic sound.

I enjoy a four-seasonal climate and wide-open spaces, so being on an island 2,500 miles into the South Pacific made me feel a little claustrophobic.

Lives that are so conspicuous have a claustrophobic feeling. Once you're in charge of running a country, you're under scrutiny all the time. That's a trap.

It's very claustrophobic to live a life which is not really how you wanted to live. You are forcing yourself to be quiet and behave like someone you are not.

I was scared to do anything in the studio because it felt so claustrophobic. I wanted to be somewhere where things could happen and the subject wasn't just looking back at you.

What it was at the time was literally a plea for, to get the pressure off for a while, to give her space to breathe. She was very unhappy. She was feeling pretty claustrophobic.

I really wouldn't want to live in America. I found New York claustrophobic and dirty. I missed England when I was there, simple things like smells and the British sense of humor.

I have crazy claustrophobic dreams, weird elevator dreams where the elevator closes in and all of a sudden I am lying down - oh my God, it's a casket. Just freaky stuff like that.

I never pondered during my struggling phase that I should have become an engineer, as I knew that was not my life. I couldn't have lived it. It would have been a very claustrophobic life.

Space is something that you have to define. Otherwise, it is like anxiety, which is too vague. A fear is something specific. I like claustrophobic spaces, because at least then you know your limits.

Overpopulated fiction can be so confusing that readers put the story down. Under-populated novels can seem claustrophobic or boring. You want the right number of characters for your particular work.

Obviously, in different circumstances, I definitely related to this idea of feeling claustrophobic and wanting to discover things for yourself. I think that's something that all young people can relate to.

I've noticed people in India have developed a habit of hugging around people. I don't understand it now. I wanted to be hugged when I was young. Now, if someone wants to hug me, I feel only claustrophobic.

I'm kind of claustrophobic... It's not even like enclosed spaces. It's like I hate being stuck in one band, you know? Just being stuck is the biggest drag, for fear that, you know, just that you can't get out.

'The Black Magician Trilogy' was about a conflict between countries and was very limited and almost claustrophobic in its range of settings, while 'The Age of the Five' was about a conflict between continents.

I will never forget seeing Alien when it came out in 1979. I'm not that big a fan of horror, but I remember the slow build, the claustrophobic feeling on the spacecraft, this tremendous sense of impending doom.

In Jenny Offill's remarkable first novel, 'Last Things,' 7-year-old Grace Davitt watches her mother, Anna, descend into madness and tries to make sense of the claustrophobic world that Anna has created for her.

I think you tend to try, during the time you've got off, to forget about the film. It was such a total world. I mean, the sets were claustrophobic, and as soon as you were on there, you were right back into it.

'The Oath' seems like the perfect project for me, coming off the back of a big-scale adventure film like 'Everest.' I want to delve into an intimate, dark and psychological world where the characters are claustrophobic.

I always think that the exceptional people are those who remain outsiders but still communicate on a grand scale. I think I want everyone to feel more free, and so I feel really claustrophobic on behalf of lots of people.

If I had to model clothes in a time period other than the 21st century, I think I'd like to model way back when they just wore skin loincloths. That would be best suited for me - better than corsets. I'm quite claustrophobic.

New York and LA are both great places to visit, but I wouldn't want to live in either of them now. I find New York extremely claustrophobic and dirty. LA is quite a nice place. But there's no hustle and bustle, no street life.

I'm claustrophobic. I can't go into haunted houses. They have these tight, dark, enclosed space. I freak out. That's my phobia. It gets me out of stuff. Someone asks me to do something and I tell them I can't because I'm claustrophobic.

London was an exciting place to work at one point because, socially, it was very progressive - a catalyst. There were very interesting artists making all types of work, but it got to a point where the social aspect became claustrophobic.

I don't know if it's irrational, and I would never say this before, but I think I'm a little bit agoraphobic when I'm in huge crowds of people. I mean, it's claustrophobic, probably - small spaces and large groups of people, anxiety rises for me.

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