I'm super organized, but a horrible house cleaner.

As my face got cleaner, my relationships got cleaner.

I'm a cleaner, a put-er away-er, an organizer of things.

I would rather hang out with a cleaner than a celebrity.

I've got five kids. I want them to have a cleaner environment.

Ethanol doesn't burn cleaner than gasoline, nor is it cheaper.

New York's buildings must be cleaner and more energy-efficient.

What the country needs is dirtier fingernails and cleaner minds.

A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's: She changes it more often.

I would hope that my writing's cleaner than it was when I started.

Ethanol and biodiesel allow people to burn a cleaner form of energy.

I played didgeridoo from a young age - on the vacuum cleaner, initially.

The skateboarders are snobbier - their look is much cleaner than ravers'.

Nuclear is just a huge part of moving towards a cleaner electrical system.

Spaghetti can be eaten most successfully if you inhale it like a vacuum cleaner.

For me, clean fuels translates into cleaner air for Oregonians. I think that's a good thing.

All my projects are about sustainability, bioremediation, making things in a cleaner fashion.

I used to be a window cleaner. I got fired because I sometimes liked to drink the soapy water.

The day I worry about cleaning my house is the day Sears comes out with a riding vacuum cleaner.

I was working part-time as a cleaner while I was going to college and then babysitting after school.

Being vegan for me is a cleaner way of not participating in practices that don't align with my values.

My dad was working in the street and my mum was working every day as a cleaner. My life was like that.

If it isn't the sheriff, it's the finance company; I've got more attachments on me than a vacuum cleaner.

As I got older, I realised fake tan was rather messy and I wanted to look cleaner, classier and more demure.

I have improved the way in which I paint. The colours are cleaner and there is more energy in the brush work.

Greece needs to work on a cleaner image. It's a big problem, as they have this reputation of being so corrupt.

The history of energy use is a sequence of transitions to sources that are cheaper, cleaner, and more flexible.

I imagine a world in which AI is going to make us work more productively, live longer, and have cleaner energy.

I can explain my work to the cleaner or the president; it's all the same to me. I am very communist in this way.

People can doubt me, and they'll do that forever, but show me a better, cleaner fighter in the UFC or in general.

Eating cleaner has helped me with recovery, to keep my body in position to play as many minutes as my team needed.

I think the bottom line for Oregonians is that cleaner fuels mean cleaner air, and we need that, and we want that.

Even in America, people have said again and again that they would be willing to sacrifice for a cleaner environment.

As for money - when I have it, it's great. When I don't, I go get some. I've been a dishwasher, a gardener, a cleaner.

I say that our economic future is in the new technology that will lead to more fuel efficient cars and cleaner energy.

My dad always told me, 'I don't care what you do. Just aim to be the best at it. Even if it's the world's best window cleaner.'

I've lived with boys and girls, and I find that boys are generally cleaner than girls. Generally! This is a big generalization!

I look at what we have - our traditional natural resource base - as helping move us to that cleaner, more diverse energy supply.

A bore is a vacuum cleaner of society, sucking up everything and giving nothing. Bores are always eager to be seen talking to you.

I have spent much of my youth on artificial pitches. The body can feel a little heavier, but the ball is there quicker and cleaner.

We have a cleaner system of government in this state where people run based on their ideas, not based on their ability to raise money.

Seriously, a smaller, leaner, cleaner, tuskless and more secretive elephant is exactly what is needed. It definitely would live longer.

Natural gas is a better transportation fuel than gasoline, so if that's the case, it's cheaper, it's cleaner and it's a domestic resource.

If we want a stronger, cleaner, and fairer world economy, we need to deal with the controversial areas of globalisation, such as tax havens.

One of the great things about the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner, which my company iRobot designed, is that it's too cheap not to be autonomous.

I do believe that the coal industry sees the cultural shift toward cleaner energy and global warming solutions as a threat to their interests.

Salad bars are like a restaurant's lungs. They soak up the impurities and bacteria in the environment, leaving you with much cleaner air to enjoy.

When you're coming off a flight, skip the restroom by the gates and head to the one in baggage claim, which is always cleaner - and there's never a line.

I sort of took the literal term of 'The Cleaner,' and I started bringing janitorial items to the ring with me, so I took garbage bags and brooms and mops.

I had jobs from the age of 14, when I arrived in London as a refugee. Aged 17, I'd get up at 4 A.M. to work as a cleaner before school. It wasn't pleasant.

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