I've learned to compensate for my small size.

It's part of the job to compensate for outfit.

One way to compensate for a tiny brain is to pretend to be dead.

I'm not exactly an Einstein, so I compensate by being more focused.

A tax cut to compensate for a tax increase is not a cut - it's a con.

There is no money in the world that would compensate me for writing a lousy book.

When you're a mom, you need sparkle to compensate for the light inside of you that has died.

Cyberspace can't compensate for real space. We benefit from chatting to people face to face.

Subsidies and bailouts cannot compensate for uncertain or permanently diminished market access.

There's not only emotion in the way you sing but also in what you sing. That way I can compensate it.

What I lack in talent, I compensate with my willingness to grind it out. That's the secret of my life.

Not having to compensate for always being at a size disadvantage allows me to unleash all of my skills.

Good people cannot fully compensate for bad process, but they can mitigate some of its worst tendencies.

Some colors are very difficult to render, and you must compensate to get the color you want on the screen.

Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is.

I believe that when you do what you love, you find higher levels of satisfaction that can compensate for lower income.

When you are young, you might be in the wrong position, but you know you are fast, and so you can compensate with your speed.

Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he isn't. A sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is.

In flush times, a rising tide of consumption can compensate for less than optimal branding, positioning, pricing or segmentation.

Doing films like 'Judwaa' helps me relax, and that should be my reason for doing it, not to compensate for doing films like 'Pink.'

White shall not neutralize the black, nor good compensate bad in man, absolve him so: life's business being just the terrible choice.

Luckily, I'm in a band with two other guys who really pull their own weight and have the skills and abilities to compensate for my weaknesses.

If you think you have made a mistake, compensate. But don't feel guilty for over sleeping or over eating on a particular day. We all have such days.

There have been points in my life as an artist where I have wanted to capture people's attention, probably to compensate for times when I felt invisible.

Writing works when publications are writing and serving the best interest of their users; numbers are good yardstick but not a way to compensate a person.

Natural abilities can almost compensate for the want of every kind of cultivation, but no cultivation of the mind can make up for the want of natural abilities.

I slowly continued to compensate for the physical problems I was having and ended up completely destroying my swing, my set-up, my posture. Everything was gone.

Women have to compensate more in the personality department in order to get the things that men get. And they don't have as much leeway for being divas or jerks.

Of course I want to be a best seller because I'm in the business and I want to be read, but there is no money in the world that can compensate for writing badly.

I knew I was a good singer - I've been singing my whole life, so I was comfortable enough with that - I felt like I could compensate with not being great on guitar.

Make sure you have a clear understanding of your values and intent, then use technology to enable that. What the tech won't do is compensate for a lack of strategy.

I have a Rolex, but no diamonds. Rappers wear diamonds to compensate for a lack of fashion sense. I don't even have pierced ears - I'm not into that; it's too much.

When we went to see the first rough cuts of 'Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence,' I fell to the floor because my acting was so bad. I wrote music to compensate for my bad acting.

A system is in equilibrium when the forces constituting it are arranged in such a way as to compensate each other, like the two weights pulling at the arms of a pair of scales.

I have to use other things to help my tennis, like my brain. But I believe that, even when your muscles are not so fast, with the brain and with concentration you can compensate.

We regard intelligence as man's main characteristic and we know that there is no superiority which intelligence cannot confer on us, no inferiority for which it cannot compensate.

I don't think that the ECB should compensate for the lack of reforms in some countries... But it is clear that monetary policy can help countries and continents to rebound faster.

As specialists of apparent life, stars serve as superficial objects that people can identify with in order to compensate for the fragmented productive specialisations that they actually live.

People just hate the idea of losing. Any loss, even a small one, is just so terrible to contemplate that they compensate by buying insurance, including totally absurd policies like air travel.

I was over-confident while growing up. I think when you look a certain way, you try and compensate by something else. I was always a strong child, was always confident, but looks never mattered to me.

You always have certain strengths and certain weaknesses, and you want to compensate for your weaknesses... I have a real duty to earn the trust of the faculty. I don't just deserve it. I have to earn it.

Marriage is generally based on more equality and deeper friendship than in the past, but even so, it is hard for it to compensate for the way that work has devoured time once spent cultivating friendships.

The third stage was the reaction that came when the body struggled to compensate for its ills - when, for instance, the white count not only returned to normal but increased to much higher than normal levels.

When you are stronger, it helps. But ever since I have played football, I have been one of the smallest ones, and you have to try to compensate with other things because if you are faster or stronger, it helps you.

One of the greatest objections which families have to New South Wales, is their apprehension of the moral effects that are likely to overwhelm them by bad example, and for which no success in life could compensate.

In the past, geneticists have looked at so-called disease genes, but a lot of people have changes in their genes and don't get these diseases. There have to be other parts of physiology and genetics that compensate.

BP has finally acknowledged what the American people have been saying for weeks: It must take responsibility for its reckless conduct, clean up the Gulf and compensate the countless victims of the disaster it caused.

I believe my publisher has shown a great deal of faith in me over a lot of years but I'm not prepared to be so arrogant to say that the long-term literary value of my work would compensate them for a financial failure.

If you've got a corporation, and you throw out one of the founding partners that is responsible in part for making the organization what it is today, you have to compensate that person. You have to come to a settlement.

Don't think you are going to go on forever because you are not and begin to plan something that will compensate as you reduce your capacities to leap or turn on this or that or the other, begin thinking of something else.

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