Painting completed my life.

I completed five half marathons in 2002.

My first album was completed in three months.

I completed my first novel when I was 19 years old.

The education of a man is never completed until he dies.

I have completed 21 years of composing music in Indian films.

I ran a marathon, completed a mud run and jumped from a plane.

I feel I have so many projects and I haven't completed them yet.

I've never even watched one of my films since they're completed.

I never completed high school and I am very rich and very successful.

Everything just fell into place with Ronnie and me. We completed each other.

The process of speciation is completed with the cessation of genetic exchange.

I completed medical school at Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 1984.

Any task can be completed in only one-third more time than is currently estimated.

There's something imminent in the work, but the circle is only completed by the viewer.

We should have completed the fight in Afghanistan instead of starting a new war in Iraq.

I'd been going to college for nine years, and before I completed my dissertation, I quit.

When completed, the budget must provide the services we have promised to our constituents.

I studied hard and completed my engineering. And I also pursued music that was my passion.

I achieved my personal dream and completed my transition to be able to live life as a woman.

I think with one exception I've never changed an opening sentence after a book was completed.

My junior year, when I completed 57 percent of my balls, I was very very frustrated in myself.

In five years, I completed grade school. Even when I was a young boy, I had a plan for my life.

We completed and released 'No Code' in 1996. We began some off and on touring for that release.

In my very first NFL game, I completed my first pass to Hall of Fame running back Marshall Faulk.

Dhobi Ghat' is the only script I actually completed and that I was convinced about wanting to direct.

After I completed the project for BCG, I was offered the position of Director of Marketing for

I have completed 23 years in the industry. All these years, I never managed to visit the Lalbaug pandal.

Frank Baum knew at once he had written something special when he completed 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.'

Indian cinema has completed 100 years. How many new stories can you bring every time? It's not possible.

Lot of work can be completed by 7 A.M.; people who wake up at 10 and 11 don't know what they are missing.

My mother insists women must have financial independence, which is why I completed my degree in medicine.

My work in the House of Representatives, at this time in my life, is completed. It is time to return home.

I don't really picture anyone when I'm drawing. They just become their own completed person with googly eyes.

Once I completed the Cube and demonstrated it to my students, I realized it was nearly impossible to put down.

Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.

I have no doubt that Brian May would have had a brilliant career in science had he completed his Ph.D. in 1971.

In Bollywood, on an average, movies are made in six months or a year, but Puri completed 'Loafer' in two months.

I love giving myself and my clients gold stars every day that they've completed a workout - it feels really good.

I always favor the hero and heroine from whichever book I've completed most recently. Yes, I'm faithless and fickle!

The Salman I know is definitely not impulsive, or he wouldn't have completed any film in the stipulated period of time.

We can have all of the best ideas in the world, but if we do not have a system to get our tasks completed, we will fail.

I haven't played quarterback since eighth or ninth grade. I didn't see it get much attention when I completed a pass then.

'It is finished' is the triumphant cry that what I came to do has been done. All is accomplished, completed, fulfilled work.

I had no idea I'd end up writing four books when I completed 'Mortal Engines.' I didn't even think it would find a publisher.

I always make lists of things I need to get done. I like the sense of having completed one thing so I can move on to the next.

Do not compute the totality of your poultry population until all the manifestations of incubation have been entirely completed.

Mr. Trump's position has been clear from the beginning: He's under audit. When the audit is completed, he'll release his returns.

If I had a weak ego, and doubts about this, the first genome would not yet have been completed with US and UK government funding.

I've completed the first part of my preparations without injury problems. My speed is good and I'm doing lots of volume for strength.

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