I try to shampoo and condition it at least once a week. I do deep conditioners as well and sit underneath the hair dryer and everything.

In my love-challenged condition, seeing a difficulty for someone else can leave me feeling a little more smug or superior-by-comparison.

I'm somebody who believes in funny things, and laughing, but I do like for them to come from a place that addresses the human condition.

I think achieving a higher fiscal stability is also a very important condition for restoring an environment which is conducive to growth.

I wasn't in the best shape when I came to Tottenham, and the manager let me know that. Within six months there, I was in great condition.

High street homeopaths, who typically do not have any serious medical training, are allowed to treat you and me for almost any condition.

Gambling is part of the human condition. I love it. I have the best time gambling. I've been winning fortunes, and I've been losing them.

At no period of our political existence had we so much cause to felicitate ourselves at the prosperous and happy condition of our country.

The very fact that we find it hard to conceive of an alternative to limitless economic growth is an indication of our spiritual condition.

Thousands of Americans are forced to join unions as a condition of employment, with little to no chance of ever having their voices heard.

I do condition my hair with honey and beer. I smell like the bottom of a beer barrel for days afterwards, but it's very good for the hair.

Saw a wedding in the church. It was strange to see what delight we married people have to see these poor fools decoyed into our condition.

Sustainability makes good business sense, and we're all on the same team at the end of the day. That's the truth about the human condition.

In terms of the mechanics of story, myth is an intriguing one because we didn't make myth up; myth is an imprinture of the human condition.

I like to go one week with braids, and on the eighth day take it down, wash it, condition it. Then every two days wash it and condition it.

When there is in nature no fixed condition, how much less must there be in the life of a people, beings endowed with mobility and movement!

No theory is good unless it permits, not rest, but the greatest work. No theory is good except on condition that one use it to go on beyond.

I like to discuss my condition publicly because if I, with this disability, am able to fulfill some of my ambitions, so can other diabetics.

Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change.

For different roles, my condition and training and diet does alter. Depending on the role, it will really dictate the type of training I do.

The war... was an unnecessary condition of affairs, and might have been avoided if forebearance and wisdom had been practiced on both sides.

In most of history, societies have not been free. It's a very rare society that is free. The default condition of human societies is tyranny.

In the final analysis, poverty is a condition of helplessness - of inability to cope with the conditions of existence in our complex society.

Diversity in the world is a basic characteristic of human society, and also the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today.

I like Halldor Laxness and Machado de Assis - people who try to understand the human condition by looking at intimate pictures of human life.

Once we realize that imperfect understanding is the human condition there is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our mistakes.

As far as the weight is concerned, I feel great whatever it is. I'm going to be in there and I'm going to bang. I feel I'm in great condition.

Love is union with somebody, or something, outside oneself, under the condition of retaining the separateness and integrity of one's own self.

I don't feel one's personal medical condition is everybody's business. It just isn't something you advertise, and it's not open to discussion.

I've never minded solitude. For a writer, it's a natural condition. But caring for a dementia sufferer leads to a peculiar kind of loneliness.

Whether the aim is in heaven or on earth, wisdom or wealth, the essential condition of its pursuit and attainment is always security and order.

The human condition is endlessly fascinating to me, and the existential horrors of life are what drive our imaginations and theater in general.

I was born with this heart condition, but it's never affected me - I've been able to play every sport I wanted to, and the doctors were amazed.

In 1906, I developed pleurisy and was unable to get into condition. So I asked for my release and obtained it. So ended my Major League career.

It's such a human condition, whether you're a great track star or a great knitting person or you paint watercolors - someone knows who you are.

I love the grandiosity, how sweepingly entertaining films can be. And I think there's a place for films that pry more into the human condition.

CIU is not something to just tolerate. It's important to find an allergist or dermatologist who can work with you to help manage your condition.

I always used to say when I was on television that I prefer to be on stage and when on stage I prefer to do television. Typical human condition.

I can choose to accelerate my disease to an alcoholic death or incurable insanity, or I can choose to live within my thoroughly human condition.

Economics is a strange science. Our subject deals with some of the most important as well as mundane issues that impinge on the human condition.

And if you cannot remain indifferent, you must resolve to throw your weight into that balance in which the fate and condition of man is weighed.

A system that was originally designed to support the poorest in society is now trapping them in the very condition it was supposed to alleviate.

I don't have a specific favorite product, but I deep condition my hair regularly. When I can, I'll avoid heat styling and wear my hair in a bun.

Jerusalem Syndrome is actually a rare psychological condition that occurs to some visitors to the Middle East. They get to Israel and just snap.

Mindfulness helps you go home to the present. And every time you go there and recognize a condition of happiness that you have, happiness comes.

What more chilling indictment of the modern world is there than this: that the condition of the smartphone user is that of a dumb animal. Moooo!

I like to deal with EVERY aspect of our condition, and that means terror and humor in equal mix. Some books have more room for humor than others.

By taking to the road, we free ourselves of baggage, both physical and psychological. We walk back to our original condition, to our best selves.

The condition every art requires is, not so much freedom from restriction, as freedom from adulteration and from the intrusion of foreign matter.

This idea of how everything is interconnected, and the impermanence of things.. It sums up the human condition to me, and it helps me on my path.

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