I was a very, very good congressman.

I’m a Congressman, and can do whatever I want

No person, not even a congressman, is above the law.

I have nothing negative to say about Congressman Lamborn.

When I was introduced to Johnson he was a freshman Congressman.

It takes time for 700,000 people to get to know their congressman.

Nobody ever says to men, how can you be a Congressman and a father.

I never translated from my days in the Navy to being a congressman.

There was nothing exceptional about growing up as the son of a congressman.

As chair of the CBC, I will do all I can to be supportive of Congressman Conyers.

My focus has been on being a good congressman, and there is so much other work to do.

The Congressman ascertained that the consulate in Havana had numbers to feed the pigs.

I have a world of respect for Congressman Dold and the service he's given to our country.

It is more profitable for your congressman to support the tobacco industry than your life.

I was introduced to Congressman Lyndon B. Johnson. The young Congressman was very friendly.

The Cowboys were never America's team any more than Anthony Weiner was America's congressman.

Trust is something I know has to be earned whether you're a husband, a father, or a congressman.

Congress is more broken than ever. Congressman Will Hurd has quickly become part of the problem.

I met a congressman who claimed that he could introduce me to two people who saw Amelia Earhart.

He has a competent person, I think who will be confirmed as HHS secretary, Congressman Tom Price.

I think Gov. Romney and Congressman Ryan are living in a fairly tale land on their energy policy.

I had visited Congressman Deal before, but I never thought I'd be sitting on the other side of the desk.

I was sent down to Cuba. Everything had been prepared with the help of Congressman Johnson and his staff.

If I can go from burglar for the government to talk show host, you can go from entertainer to congressman.

In some communities, I show up, and they say, 'Well, we haven't seen our Democrat congressman in 10 years.'

I have the greatest respect and admiration for Congressman Issa, but I don't intend to be Darrell Issa-like.

It's a little challenging as a congressman to keep a low profile, but I try very hard to keep a low profile.

In addition, there is one title I cherish a great deal more than Congressman and that is the title of... Dad.

I think people often think of me as very intense. I'm a congressman and all, but I'm actually very laid back.

I've had a tough time learning how to act like a Congressman. Today I accidentally spent some of my own money.

I've had a tough time learning how to act like a congressman. Today I accidentally spent some of my own money.

As your congressman, I hold the Holy Bible as being the major directions to me of how I vote in Washington D.C.

There's not a party, a congressman, a senator, etc. elected that will fix your life. YOU have to fix YOUR life.

I just want to be a really good congressman. You should look at what you are today and be the very best you can.

Every time a congressman or pundit says its 'class warfare' to increase taxes on the wealthy, it's a massive lie.

I am the only Republican Congressman who represents a borough within New York City, a city of 8.5 million people.

The problem is not that you can buy a congressman for $10000 but that you can buy a Washington lawyer for $100000.

Tom McMillen was a three-term congressman from Maryland. He is the tallest member of Congress. Period. He's 6'11''.

Rarely does a congressman stand up and defend a liquor company. Rarely does a congressman stand up and defend a bar.

I salute the 51 congressmen who voted (for the impeachment complaints.) It's not over yet. There will always be hope.

There's a big gap between 'Click the link to send an e-mail to your congressman' and 'Chain yourself to the White House.'

The benefits that were offered to me as a congressman don't even compare to the benefits that you get as a state employee.

You've got to do the same sort of outreach to Hispanics that you do to any other group. They want to see their congressman.

My dad was a loyal congressman until his death. The Congress didn't respect him after his death and filed cases against me.

I think there are many Democrats who are good, strong leaders. The person I like the most is my nephew, Congressman Joe Kennedy.

You can't go to Washington as a congressman and a senator and expect to make a difference all at once. You have to earn your way.

It is unacceptable to be disrespectful of Congressman Crowley. He's done some phenomenal, phenomenal work for the Bronx and Queens.

Issue by issue, if I were a Congressman, I would receive the highest rating from liberal think-tank Americans For Democratic Action.

The idea that a congressman would be tainted by accepting money from private industry or private sources is essentially a socialist argument.

A president's power is limited. We need to vote down the ballot as well, from your councilman all the way up to your governors and congressman.

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