Even success needs its consolations.

Hope is the consolation of the world.

Love is not consolation. It is light.

Things never are as bad as they seem.

Kiss me out of desire, but not consolation.

The Bahá´í Faith is consolation for humanity.

God has commanded Time to console the afflicted.

Inopportune consolations increase a deep sorrow.

Music is the best consolation for a despaired man

A love of nature is a consolation against failure.

The future: A consolation for those who have no other.

Livability has always struck me as a consolation prize.

When I am not too sad to listen, music is my consolation.

The greatest consolation in life is to say what one thinks.

The defects of great men are the consolation of the dunces.

We read for instruction, for correction, and for consolation.

The act of naming is the great and solemn consolation of mankind

It is a consolation to the wretched to have companions in misery.

The consolation of imaginary things is not imaginary consolation.

Religion as a source of consolation is an obstacle to true faith.

Thanks to my work everything's going well; it's a great consolation.

Faith is the consolation of the wretched and the terror of the happy.

The Gospel is the deepest consolation you can offer to the human heart.

It seems to be the fate of man to seek all his consolations in futurity.

My mother is a great source of advice and wisdom and consolation for me.

Every man, either to his terror or consolation, has some sense of religion.

To have the universe bear one company would be a great consolation in death.

It is from books that wise people derive consolation in the troubles of life.

We must always live in hope; without that consolation there would be no living.

Life is evanescent, but left to itself it rarely fails to offer some consolation.

The effect of the consolations of religion may be compared to that of a narcotic.

CONSOLATION, n. The knowledge that a better man is more unfortunate than yourself.

The only consolation I can find in your immediate presence is your ultimate absence.

The Bible is a great source of wisdom and consolation and should be read frequently.

Maybe it's our sins that give God consolation when he finally has to give us cancer.

My chief consolation in this year of living dyingly has been the presence of friends.

I write what I call 'novels of consolation' for people who are bright and sophisticated.

I picked up the writing on the very day he died. It was the only consolation I could find.

There is no consolation for anyone in the Scott Peterson story, and no final illumination.

The consolation of art comes in many forms... For some it is making, for others it is having.

I ask you to pray for me, for once age has overtaken us, we find consolation only in religion.

I think firmly that art is no use to anyone unless it offers some kind of consolation or hope.

We often are consoled by our want of reason for misfortunes that reason could not have comforted.

The universe doesn't owe us condolence or consolation; it doesn't owe us a nice warm feeling inside.

What most of all hinders heavenly consolation is that you are too slow in turning yourself to prayer.

They that are fated to be fools, have one consolation, that they are fated also to be ignorant of it.

There was always the consolation that if I didn't like what I wrote I could throw it away or burn it.

We are great and our faults are great and therefore our problems great and great are our consolations.

Perhaps the greatest consolation of the oppressed is to consider themselves superior to their tyrants.

Never allow your own sorrow to absorb you, but seek out another to console, and you will find consolation.

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