All brave men love; for he only is brave who has affections to fight ...

All brave men love; for he only is brave who has affections to fight for, whether in the daily battle of life, or in physical contests.

Life is not a popularity contest

All language is a popularity contest.

Playing guitar is not a beauty contest.

My job isn't to win popularity contests.

Art has never been a popularity contest.

I foresee a great funeral contest over me.

A good marriage is a contest of generosity.

Ultimately the Emmys are a popularity contest.

I never count countries. Travel is not a contest.

The presidency is more than a popularity contest.

Contests allow no excuses, no more do friendships.

Great contests generally excite great animosities.

I won the first contest I ever entered, when I was 6.

It is the contest that delights us, and not the victory.

I'm from Florida and we have huge primary contests there.

I'm not in a contest. I make movies. I'm not a racehorse.

I am constitutionally competent to contest the elections.

I didn't get hurt in the contest. I hurt it the next day.

At most contests now, skaters are judged against themselves.

Because of my style, I always make hard work of my contests.

Elections are not a beauty contest. It is all about tolerance.

The life contest is primarily a competition for available energy.

Put a good person in a bad system and the bad system wins, no contest.

Good thing it's a fight and not a modeling contest or you'd be f#cked.

I am happy for there to be a leadership contest. I think there should be.

In a contest between me and a bulldog, you would say the bulldog is cuter.

It looked to me like a vamp version of a pissing contest. Men will be boys.

The Academy Awards are obscene, dirty . . . no better than a beauty contest.

Take away the contests of the martyrs, and you have taken away their crowns.

Contests, I used to look at as a chance to fail. I turned my mind-set around.

Tournaments, traditionally, are kind of the way martial arts contests happen.

I have wrestled with death. It is the most unexciting contest you can imagine.

There is a point in every contest when sitting on the sidelines is not an option.

We do not live in a revolutionary time. People are not prepared to contest power.

Good advertising is a happy wedding of words and pictures, not a contest between them.

Beauty contests are only a mirage where all you have to do is look pretty all the time.

Republican presidential debates have become contests of who can terrify viewers the most.

I think politics in general are just like a popularity contest but McCain is just... old.

I love to deal with doctrines and events. The contests of men about men I greatly dislike.

The reality of professional skateboarding contests is that they're not relevant in our world.

Legislators are interested in their pet projects, getting re-elected, and popularity contests.

The great contest for the presidency is about the future, who can lead, who can get things done.

It was like he was in a contest to see who could do the least work, only he was the only contestant.

I skate all the time, but it's silly for me to do contests when MTV is giving me a boatload of money.

Politics is that rare sport where the amateur contest is actually more interesting than the professional.

There is no point in winning contests if you can't leave mental scars on the minds of the opposition teams.

Once you start feeling the pressure, you start to struggle. That is the beauty of Indo-Pak cricket contests.

In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be wrong.

What you ride and how you choose to ride is such a dynamic part of what this contest [ Ultra Natural] is built for.

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