As a child, I copied Duerer drawings and Bruegel.

I feel very, very proud that so many people have copied me.

We copied our hairstyle from Prince Charles, not the Beatles.

Men simply copied the realities of their hearts when they built prisons.

Victorian architecture in the United States was copied straight from England.

I was now ordered to have my writings copied, and put into the printer's hand.

There's just more emotion and raw feeling in Baltimore music. It can't be copied.

Saddam Hussein admired, studied, and copied Stalin, the paragon of modern dictators.

Brenda Starr is how I learned to draw. I copied her. I admired her. She had a career.

My brother was playing hockey, tennis, badminton... I basically copied everything he did.

I wrote it the right way, so it was copied the wrong way right. I mean the right way wrong.

I have an amazing social-media wing man who manages my Facebook fan site. All my blogs get copied there.

I've been fifty thousand times to the Louvre. I have copied everything in drawing, trying to understand.

I was an accomplished computer trespasser. I don't consider myself a thief. I copied without permission.

In the world according to Apple, content is just a bunch of digital bits, easily copied, nothing special.

I copied my brother. He was a natural dancer. Graceful. People always asked did we study ballet. We never did.

Anyone with a little computer experience knows that anything can be copied bit by bit with the right equipment.

I'll be honest. We copied everyone... the Beatles, the Bachelors. It was the only way people would even listen to you.

All content should be copied without restriction. But for education and research, copyright laws are especially damaging.

I can jump on to a kitchen worktop from standing, like Tigger. It was something my dad could do, and I copied it from him.

I've copied a bit of what AB de Villiers does. The way I go back and across to open myself up and set myself for the shots.

I don't think I ever modeled myself after a singer. I've more or less copied the styles of horn-tooters right from the start.

I did go bankrupt because everybody copied me - every single industry. But genuinely, it doesn't matter. I swear I don't care.

Eight years of work can be copied in six months. It wasn't inevitable that it was going to work. A stolen design is stolen time.

The move towards neoliberalism in Britain was intimately bound up with the embrace of the U.S. as the country to be aped and copied.

The Saviour reigned in all their hearts, and they successfully copied the pattern of meekness and gentleness, which he had left them.

I've been bragging for over 25 years that my first New York Times bestseller was a book I copied from the U.S. Government Printing Office!

If you listen to Drake's first single... he copied my whole bar word for word and my cadence and my flow from my song. Can I just get my credit?

We copied laws and regulations from western countries, but enforcement remains weak, and environmental litigation is still quite near impossible.

My philosophy was simple: audiences shouldn't say that I just came, stood, and copied another comedy star. They should say 'Senthil acted in this.

In the early days of the software industry, people cared about copyright and didn't give a damn about patents - they copied each other willy-nilly.

For me, I knew the Christy flat was a beautiful shoe, but I had no idea the incredible trend that would follow - I mean, it's the most copied thing ever!

A lot of times when people get copied, they get copied and washed out. But you can't even duplicate how we do it because it's just so genuine. It's just us.

The enormity of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's global influence is daunting, especially for Kate, whose look is admired, copied, and analysed everywhere.

I copied John Lennon; I copied a bit of David Bowie. It's such a shame, and I'm so glad that now young girls have so many different role models in all different walks of life.

Couture has copied my things for years, in addition to countless other costume designers, claiming theirs were the original ideas. It's all part of the business, unfortunately.

I just watched a James Brown video of him singing 'I Feel Good,' and then I kind of just copied off his moves. But I couldn't do them properly, so they turned into my own moves.

When I was 13 years old, I was obsessed with horror films. I even had, like, a binder that I filled with badly copied images from the Internet of, like, 'Pinhead and Basket Case.'

Nothing was a style first. Everything started as an idea. A guy did something with an idea. Someone copied him. Some copied all of them and it became trendy and then it became a style.

I loved watching AB de Villiers in the early days. I used to follow him closely. I copied him a lot, too. In the nets, I used to at least try some of the shots he played in the matches.

I have made it a rule for a long time, not to part with the copyright of my drawings, for I have been so copied, my drawings reproduced and sold for advertisements and done in ways I hate.

I just have more fun when I get to try new things - and the action film genre has kind of painted itself into a corner, copied itself so many times and it has basically run out of bad buys.

I don't accept what people say. I took something to be copied recently, to be enlarged and blown up, and they said it couldn't be done, and I went somewhere five minutes away, and they did it.

It's funny how the music industry is enraged about the Internet and the way things are copied without being paid for. But you know why people steal the music? Because they can't afford the music.

I'm kind of surprised that so many of those other books were almost exactly like mine. They even follow the form. There were some books that even copied the stamp. It shows so little imagination.

Any type of operating system that I wanted to be able to hack, I basically compromised the source code, copied it over to the university because I didn't have enough space on my 200 megabyte hard drive.

I didn't set out to be a singer. Actually, the earliest creative efforts I made were drawings copied from comics we got every week at the newsagent, or rearranging photos I cut out and pasted in scrapbooks.

Donald Trump is producing the kind of shoot-the-moon economic recovery that we last saw under Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. He's copied a lot of the Reagan playbook: Deregulate, cut taxes, promote American energy.

From the Americans, I took the meet-up platform, from Howard Dean. He used it to gather money. I use it to gather information, to gather forums, not money. This we copied from the United States, the use of the Internet.

Prosecutors say it would be next to impossible to get one teen to testify in court that another had slipped him or her a copied disc at lunchtime. And besides, isn't sharing music a time-honored part of teen friendship?

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