Teach by teaching, not by correcting

The market is in the process of correcting itself.

Justice is love correcting that which revolts against love.

I see the universe as naturally and infinitely self-correcting.

The beginning to correcting all of our mistakes is communication.

Correcting bad habits cannot be done by forbidding or punishment.

How hard you work at correcting your faults reveals your character.

The universe is not only self-organizing, it is also self-correcting.

Your race devotes itself to justifying its errors, not correcting them

I was the girl who was correcting people on the spelling of Led Zeppelin.

I feel like I always touch my hair all the time so I'm always correcting it.

Many times in life, those who do the most correcting, need the most correcting.

Everyone who has succeeded in correcting their wrong should have the right to work.

I learn by admiring others, listening and correcting what wouldn't be right for me.

I don't have any problem with people correcting me and telling me how I can be better.

Henceforth, language studies were no longer directed merely towards correcting grammar.

We crime novelists have a great pulpit. We write about justice and about correcting injustice.

I believe correcting is the positive approach. I believe in the positive approach. Always have.

It isn't making mistakes that's critical; it's correcting them and getting on with the principal task.

Most of the energy of political work is devoted to correcting the effects of mismanagement of government.

I'm going to keep correcting people, sometimes harshly, on the disparity between conservativism and Trumpism.

My wife saw a mug somewhere that says, 'I'm silently correcting your grammar.' I think that is perfect thing for me.

Engineers aren't professional grammarticians, but they love correcting people. Even more, they love making you feel stupid.

If I get something wrong on air, I get 1,000 emails correcting me instantly, and most of our story suggestions come from viewers.

As 'Warrior' comes together, I can't help but feel the pride of correcting a wrong and helping bring Bruce Lee's dream project to life.

It is worth while too to warn the teacher that undue severity in correcting faults is liable at times to discourage a boy's mind from effort.

I think that at the end of the day correcting misinformation and questioning what we think we know as a habit of mind is incredibly important.

We have taken a giant step forward in correcting some of the misconceptions people have about the church. I think that we've made a lot of friends.

I'm a big enough lad now to know that I should just get over it and do what I have to do, by getting out on the training pitch and correcting the faults.

Correcting it, I don't know; just shedding the light of day on it is a first major step, being one of the earliest generations not to just accept the words.

In the beginning, it's why I stopped correcting my appearance - because the articles were mean and would repeat the image that my ex-husband tried to paint of me.

Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past, and is therefore the means for correcting our misperceptions.

That is one of the reasons I write: to feel the Presence of God and know He is speaking to me in a very personal way, instructing me, correcting me, redirecting me.

If you look in the dictionary under 'perfectionist,' you see Henry Selick correcting the definition of perfectionist in the dictionary. I mean, he is so meticulous.

When I did 'Don't Look Back,' I no longer had Time-Life looking over my shoulder, so I could kind of do it as I wanted, and it was like I was really correcting 'Jane.'

I feel like I am a better person because of my struggles, because of my challenges and persevering through them and realizing the mistakes that I've made, correcting them.

People call me Joey all the time. I take it as a compliment. There's no point in correcting them. But I'm much more even-keeled and subdued and relaxed than Joey Tribbiani.

How people keep correcting us when we are young! There is always some bad habit or other they tell us we ought to get over. Yet most bad habits are tools to help us through life.

When you are writing, of course, you have to do all that writing and correcting for yourself. When I was a librarian it was expected that I would know about a wide range of books.

I should have no objection to go over the same life from its beginning to the end: requesting only the advantage authors have, of correcting in a second edition the faults of the first.

In most languages, 'control' is the first synonym for the word 'manage.' Control is about spotting and correcting deviations from pre-defined standards; thus to control, one must first constrain.

Life is a process of working out what's not working for you and disentangling yourself from it and trying then not walk into the same thing again. Watching your patterns and correcting them if you can.

Far too many people believe that they are owed some kind of 'safe space' from opposing ideas, and the fact is, that just isn't true - and we shouldn't allow people to say that it is true without correcting them.

Donald Trump became President of the United States because of a simple but potent combination of promises: draining the swamp, building the wall, correcting free trade imbalances, and making America great again.

I don't want to treat my little girl like she's made out of glass or wrap her in bubble wrap or anything! And I also don't want to be constantly correcting her or warning her. Or my least favorite, reprimanding her.

Even though society has come a long way in correcting the inequalities between men and women in the workplace, it still has to be said that women are oftentimes subconsciously playing to the gender roles which we are taught from birth.

When it comes to losing weight, balancing your hormones is absolutely crucial. Not only will it help you lose weight by correcting a sluggish metabolism, but you'll look more rested and vibrant, your mood will improve, and you'll get your libido back!

My whole life growing up, both my parents told me not to swear like a sailor. After college, I recall there was finally a time where I swore, and neither one of them was correcting me, and I felt so relieved. I thought, finally; I can finally be myself and not get yelled at.

I use Olay Total Effects Tone Correcting CC Cream in place of foundation post-workout. I absolutely love that it's quick, easy, and something I can use on the go. It evens out my skin tone, provides SPF 15 protection, and leaves my skin feeling breathable, healthy, and moisturized.

But that was my very first time on a set and they said, you know, you have to stand on a mark. That little piece of tape that you stand on is called a mark. I kept correcting them and telling them that my name was Michael and not Mark. They said, 'No, no honey.' I was a little green.

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