I love country music.

I like country music!

I do love country music.

I got country music in me.

I'm a big fan of country music.

I've always liked country music.

I've always loved country music.

Country music belongs to America.

People out west love country music.

That's what country music is: real.

Country music has the great stories.

I love pop music, I love country music.

God-dang-it, country music is my heart.

I've always stood up for country music.

I've always had a love of country music.

I've always wanted to sing country music.

I've never turned my back on country music.

Country music, to me, is what I grew up on.

Country music is three chords and the truth.

I wanna be the Steph Curry of country music.

I never listened to country music growing up.

I do love country music. And a real musician.

I'll tell you, Nashville ruined country music.

I actually grew up listening to country music.

Country music is - can be - a loving industry.

I expect to make a career out of country music.

You don't change country music; it changes you.

Country music has to evolve in order to survive.

Country music is who I really, really am deeply.

I have always been infatuated with country music.

I've spent a lifetime in love with country music.

The storytelling in country music is so powerful.

Plus I love Tanya Tucker and I love country music.

I love country music, always have and always will.

I love country music, but I also love gangster rap.

You seldom hear any young artists in country music.

Country music has always sort of been country music.

That's country music for you - bourbon and the Bible.

You gotta 'be' country music - you can't just sing it.

Country music has room for a little bit of everything.

I have such a deep love for traditional country music.

I don't think country music needs saving from anything.

My fame came from my success as a country music singer.

My love, growing up on the Prairies, was country music.

Country music is what is sincere; that's the main thing.

Country music is about new love and it's about old love.

I tend to listen to country music more than Cuban music.

In most red states, country music is a major way of life.

I have a confession to make - I truly love country music.

People forget how great country music is, and we haven't.

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