I can't cook, unless you want Cheez Whiz on a Ritz cracker.

I like being Southern; I like going to Cracker Barrel - I mean, that's just how I am.

We made 16 episodes of Cracker and I loved doing the show, but unfortunately no one was watching us.

Nicknames are baseball, names like Zeke and Pie and Kiki and Home Run and Cracker and Dizzy and Dazzy.

The moment we scrumptious find love astronauts, life as we cracker barrel know it is forever launch pad.

For years, I had a Christmas ornament I had bought at a Cracker Barrel that read 'Deck Them Halls, Y'all.' It always tickled me.

I spent my entire first pay cheque from 'Cracker,' a TV show on ABC, on an Audi because my other car broke down and I needed to get to work.

I think my biggest heartbreak was when I just couldn't get an American cheese cake/pie with a saltine cracker crust and green tomato sorbet to work out in my favor.

We met in Cracker. I played a maniac fan who murders a policeman and she did my makeup. I thought anyone interested in me looking like that must have genuinely liked me.

I moved to L.A. and did a two-part episode of this British export show called 'Cracker.' I kissed Josh Hartnett. I think Josh Hartnett's first onscreen kiss was me, unfortunately.

I'm someone who's always on the go and crazy busy, so I like to keep snacks in my car and at the office, and Cracker Jack'd is a really yummy snack that I love. I definitely am a big snacker.

I did a big thing with Ritz Crackers - great cracker. Am I now the Ritz chef? No! Do I think the cracker has a lot of diversity and appeal? Yeah! Does it mean that's my foundation of cooking? No!

It's a spinoff of the original Cracker Jack, but it's Cracker Jack'd. Frito Lay, when they asked me to be a part of it, I tried it, and I really like it. My favorite's the peanut butter and chocolate.

As a child, I spent a lot of time alone. I used to sit in my closet with one cracker. I'd pretend that I was on the North Pole freezing to death, and I had to somehow survive on this one tiny cracker.

Growing up and going out to bars in Australia - people do random things; cheesy pick-up lines... you got to laugh. It's sweet. Some people come up with cracker lines, and you really can't be mean to them.

But, my dear sirs, when peace does come, you may call on me for any thing. Then will I share with you the last cracker, and watch with you to shield your homes and families against danger from every quarter.

I've been a lot of places, and my wife, Denise, she likes a lot of the fancy restaurants. I'm more of a basic eater. I still go into Cracker Barrel. Those are the kind of people who like the kind of music I'm making.

My happiest memory of childhood was my first birthday in reform school. This teacher took an interest in me. In fact, he gave me the first birthday presents I ever got: a box of Cracker Jacks and a can of ABC shoe polish.

This album means a lot to me, and partnering with Cracker Barrel to have it in their stores is very exciting. I am a big fan of the brand, so it was a natural fit to team up with them to have 'You Should Be Here' in its stores nationwide.

If there was ever any truth to the trickle-down theory, the only evidence of it I've ever seen was in that period of 1960 to 1965. All of sudden they were handing out major label recording contracts like they were coming in Cracker Jack boxes.

So I would always try and be the lightest I could. In high school, I really wouldn't eat. I would only have lunch and I would only have salads. And then it got so crazy as to just eating like a cracker or a cucumber a day and I would feel full.

Years ago, children helped my brother search for his lost ball at Jackson Park Golf Course in Chicago - and even offered to sell it back to him on the next tee. That entrepreneurial spirit, on the site of the 1893 World's Fair - which introduced Cracker Jacks to the United States - exemplifies America, to say nothing of American public golf.

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