Cavil you may, but never criticise.

People who criticise me are just jealous.

You have no right to criticise Russia over Chechnya.

I criticise myself a lot. My friends complain about it.

Personally, I would never criticise a player in public.

Don't criticise a hypothesis, come up with a better one.

In a democracy, everyone has the right to criticise the Government.

Critics have a job to do. They do not criticise you without reason.

I'm not going to criticise Nick Boles because he fought off cancer.

Nowadays, it has become a custom to criticise the BJP for everything.

There will always be people who will criticise you without knowing the facts.

It is the BJP's duty to criticise and oppose me. I have no problem with that.

I do think that it's unfair to criticise anyone if they are having a bad day.

The very purpose of religion is to control yourself, not to criticise others.

It's hard to criticise a fighter when you're not in the ring doing what we do.

Every voter has a right to criticise a government and comment on its functioning.

If you love Man United, you should never criticise them. You need to support them.

Even if Narendra Modi sneezes, people will find a reason to criticise him for that.

I don't like to criticise referees, because I believe it is a very complicated job.

I have my style of play and people can criticise me for that which is not a problem.

You have to win football matches, and if you don't, you allow people to criticise you.

Our country has backed us so much. People who love you so much can criticise you as well.

It really bugs me the way people criticise how actors look. We're not models. Models exist.

I find it quite unusual for people to criticise me for doing what I consider to be my duty.

You can always criticise people, the players are aware we can improve in a number of areas.

I'm not a cribber, or someone who criticises. People who criticise are not doers. I'm a doer.

I love it when people criticise me. There is no better feeling than when you make them quiet.

Let me be clear: I am sick of having to criticise the club which I gave my life to as a footballer.

People can criticise me all day long. It just washes off me. You might as well be talking to a wall.

I think whatever dress you wear, people will criticise you. Different people have different opinions.

I know straight away if I can do better. It doesn't take people to criticise me for me to realise it.

I have no interest in anyone who wants to criticise me, or doesn't like me despite never having met me.

Celebrity-spotting is pretty standard at Davos. It's one of the things that makes it easy to criticise.

The worst thing is when people criticise you and you go, 'Yeah, you're right.' It's really hard to take.

The Eurovision Song Contest is by definition apolitical - unless your song criticises Russia, of course.

If all you have to criticise me on is my age or my accent, then you really can't defeat me on the issues.

If you criticise something then you have to have an alternative, but we do have to try and improve things.

I am hurt that some people criticise very harshly without even realising the hardships which we go through.

I don't want to criticise my country, but there are times I feel Sting and myself have been treated unkindly.

I'm not a guy who is able to criticise anyone in public but I am not a guy who promotes individuals in public.

Actually, I am a coward. I say only what is safe to say, and I criticise only what is permissable to criticise.

When people criticise you, you've got to listen to that criticism, and to learn from it, which I've tried to do.

If you do not play well, it is normal that they criticise you. But criticism is part of the game, so you accept it.

But how can one criticise someone else's mother? One shouldn't, really... particularly as my first marriage failed.

I think they should make it a felony to criticise a film product. Particularly my film product. It's anti-American.

It takes a lot of guts to jump. If people criticise, I would give them a set of skis and say, 'Do it yourself then.'

I will tell you another thing, we Argentines criticise Messi because we are specialists in criticising what is ours.

There's an elusive element to comedy, but nobody gets it for free. That's why comedians seldom criticise each other.

There are people who criticise me, and that's normal because of the way I am on the pitch. I get angry, I get tense.

Everything Neymar does turns into news. If he gets emotional, they criticise. If he colours his hair, they criticise.

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