The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe!

Influencing voters is the crux of all poll campaigns.

The crux of drag is outsiders looking in. That's all it is.

It is the ability to make predictions about the future that is the crux of intelligence.

The crux of our power isn't only in our voice. It is in our economic function in society.

The crux of what makes a company Indian is its entrepreneurship. The management needs to be in India.

The Cross of Christ is the crux of history. Without the Cross, history cannot be defined or corrected.

God has not had an identity crisis. He knows that he is Great and deserves to be the center of our lives.

The overwhelming majority of my material has very little to do with my weight. It's certainly not the crux of my material.

Not only the entire ability to think rests on language... but language is also the crux of the misunderstanding of reason with itself.

To me, the most interesting part of 'True Blood' is that the entire crux of the show is based on identity and finding your true identity.

The crux of the matter, is that people don't understand the true nature of money. It is meant to circulate, not be wrapped up in a stocking

Freedom is the crux of self-respect. It is difficult to feel good about ourselves when we are unnaturally dependent on someone or something.

The fear of death is for all of us everywhere, but for the great intelligence of the opium eater it is beautifully narrowed into the crux of drugs.

I'm a storyteller: the crux of the matter is to reach beauty, poetry; it doesn't matter if that is comedy or tragedy. They're the same if you reach the beauty.

Managers tend to blame their turnover problems on everything under the sun, while ignoring the crux of the matter: people don't leave jobs; they leave managers.

This is the crux of the problem: because the Republicans and the right wing have been successful in almost eliminating unions, everyone else has suffered as a result.

The big studio era is from the coming of sound until 1950, until I came in... I came in at a crux in film, which was the end of the studio era and the rise of filmmaking.

Being a kid is so much more fun than being an adult. I think that's the crux of it. I think men are just less inclined to grow up because it's much more fun being a child.

What else do I have to offer? Nothing happens to me anymore. That’s the reality of getting old, and I guess that’s really the crux of the matter. I’m not ready to be old yet.

The crux is this: you can't be sincerely empathic towards and angry at someone at the same moment. In other words, you can't walk in someone else's shoes and step on their toes at the same time.

When a thing is said to be not worth refuting you may be sure that either it is flagrantly stupid - in which case all comment is superfluous - or it is something formidable, the very crux of the problem.

People read legal writing differently. When you're at the crux of a legal argument, every step is a step in the argument. The judge will see any holes. If you do that in fiction, it's too long and boring.

I connected to this idea of faith and spirituality and religion and Christianity being a very strong crux of who I am at the core and how a lot of what we think and believe is based around our spiritual beliefs.

I think the crux of this urgent and real conversation about representation and diversity in art-making and storytelling both behind and in front of the camera ultimately has to do with simply seeing more human perspectives.

Couldn't imagine any other way of living, outside of books, outside my work. Which doesn't mean I am not interested in other things, of course - I am interested in many things. But the center, the crux, is always literature.

The crux of the matter was... the partnership between Richemont and myself was going sour for personal reasons, and you know, you can't have two people arguing all the time, so it was either my buying him out or him buying me out.

I think the crux of the matter was that if we were going to become partners in, for example, the International Space Station, we had to gain the respect of a country like the United States and particularly its space organization, NASA.

Freedom of the press, or, to be more precise, the benefit of freedom of the press, belongs to everyone – to the citizen as well as the publisher… The crux is not the publisher’s ‘freedom to print’; it is, rather, the citizen’s ‘right to know.’

At the crux of Half Dome, at the very top of the wall, imagine, like, a smooth wall of rock - a nearly vertical granite slap with tiny ripples for your hands and feet. And so you're really trusting the rubber on your shoes to stick to these ripples.

Shirin Farhad' is a romantic tale of an unmarried couple who feel they can live together forever. Having crossed the marriageable age, what happens to them forms the crux of the story. The movie has several comic sequences with an emotional touch to it.

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