The World Bank is now the biggest culprit in the debt crisis.

Violence against women can end only when the culprits get punished.

A song's lyrics can't be held culprit for the overall change in society.

Catching a culprit becomes really easy when there are video footages from the crime scene.

The real culprits are those who created a system that makes it dangerous to work and safe to loaf.

Every pulpit is a pillory, in which stands a hired culprit, defending the justice of his own imprisonment.

They say it was Cesc Fabregas who threw the pizza at me but, to this day, I have no idea who the culprit was.

We're conditioned in this country to believe that if there's a problem, the black man is usually the culprit.

Know that Truth sees through bullshit. So if you can't handle looking at Truth, you must be a Devil's culprit.

Flogging. The only solution to every problem. I warrant even the culprit himself doesn't know! It was just... his... turn!

We don't really know how the game was invented, though there are suspicions. As soon as we discover the culprits, we'll let you know

The biggest culprits in the housing fiasco came from the private sector, and more specifically from a mortgage industry that was out of control.

Reproof, especially as it relates to children, administered in all gentleness, will render the culprit not afraid, but ashamed to repeat the offence.

Our system is the height of absurdity, since we treat the culprit both as a child, so as to have the right to punish him, and as an adult, in order to deny him consolation.

Puberty was the main culprit in ending my acting career. I went from being kind of this chunky little kid to looking different, and I was really bummed because I loved acting.

Great is the power of Eloquence; but never is it so great as when it pleads along with nature, and the culprit is a child strayed from his duty, and returned to it again with tears.

Fear is the culprit that robs us of our greatest lives. And although it's mostly made up or a learned behavior from our past, almost everybody I've ever met in my life struggles with fear.

I have been trying to find out exactly when listeners and performers decided that applause between movements would not be allowed, but nobody seems to have been willing to admit that they were the culprit.

If I am actually a traitor or anti-national, come and form a national commission. I will be there, and those who call me a traitor should also be there, so that the 220 million people of Pakistan can see who is the actual culprit.

While 'Visitation Street' has the markings of a traditional whodunnit mystery - starting with a missing girl, intrigue and many suspicious characters - Pochoda shows her hand early on by fingering a culprit. The book turns, then, into a 'whydunnit.'

In 1984, the Federal Trade Commission released a report that explained why taxis could charge customers exorbitant prices for dismal service. The simple reason, according to the 176-page study: lack of competition in the market. The culprit: local governments.

It is unlike the quintessential thriller where someone is up to something and the audience is speculating. 'Johnny Gaddaar' is the opposite of a thriller. In this case, the audience knows right from the outset what transpires and who the likely culprit is. It is a suspense caper.

We have got to protect privacy rights. We have got to protect our God-given, constitutionally protected civil liberties, and we are not doing that in the federal government. The Department of Homeland Security, as well as the TSA, is a great culprit in being a Gestapo-type organization.

America faces a mounting transportation crisis, and the primary culprit is road congestion. Traffic makes us unhealthy, wastes enormous amounts of time, and cripples national productivity. America needs expanded roads and transportation infrastructure, but traditional gas tax funding is no longer available.

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