Sometimes questions are more important than answers.

Sometimes questions are more important than answers.

Joy in the universe, and keen curiosity about it all - that has been ...

Joy in the universe, and keen curiosity about it all - that has been my religion.

Curiosity fed the dog.

I'm full of curiosity.

burning with curiosity

Curiosity killed the cat.

That low vice, curiosity!

Curiosity makes loneliness.

I'm motivated by curiosity.

Never lose a holy curiosity.

Curiosity must be kept alive.

Curiosity is the main energy.

My curiosity sister of larks.

Curiosity is its own suicide.

Boldness comes from curiosity.

I keep six honest serving men.

People die when curiosity goes.

Fear is the enemy of curiosity.

I try to be led by my curiosity.

You see, but you do not observe.

Replace judgment with curiosity.

Love is three quarters curiosity.

Few minds wear out; more rust out.

Make curiosity a wonder-ful habit.

Understanding is a kind of ecstasy

Curiosity is the lust of the mind.

Curiosity is the key to creativity.

Wonder implies the desire to learn.

The over curious are not over wise.

Curiosity is the thirst of the soul.

I am kind of a curiosity in England.

The constant happiness is curiosity.

Curiosity pulls people into the scam.

You know what a woman's curiosity is.

Curiosity urges you on-driving force.

curiosity is the beginning of wisdom.

I have survivor's curiosity, I guess.

Curiosity is a great antidote to fear.

I have only one curiosity left: death.

I have a natural curiosity for people.

I don't know what's on the other side.

I have no curiosity. I'm an island boy.

Curiosity is the engine of achievement.

Curiosity is the engine of civilisation

I have an inate curiosity about people.

Curiosity is the other side of caution.

Curiosity is life. Assumption is death.

Curiosity is free-wheeling intelligence.

Mere curiosity adds wings to every step.

Turbines are a curiosity, but only once.

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